2 - Never Have I Ever

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"Hey, Rhea? I'm Marina, I just wanted to come and intro-" I started but couldn't finish because when Ripleys eyes met mine, they sparked with pure hatred. The whole look she gave me was just like a threat.

'Shut the fuck up. Who do you think you are? I hate you. Don't talk to me'

That's what her look gave me.

I swallowed but continued and held out my hand in greeting. "I wanted to introduce myself."

Rhea peered down at my hand. So she knew it was there but she didn't take it. "I'm Demi." She said, voice hard like rock. There was zero emotion in it. No pleasure of meeting me back. So her name was Demi, not Rhea.

"Nice to meet you. How's your back, I noticed you were stretching it out there, sorry if I landed too harshly on you." I apologised like I noted I would.

Rheas gaze shot around the room, like she'd rather be anywhere else but talking to me. "I'm fine." Rhea answered. Before I could say anything else, Rhea picked her boots up and walked past my shoulder and down the hall into a room on the side.


I hadn't just imagined that? Why was she so... so rude?

I brush it off, thinking she might not have been having a good day or something. Maybe she is just sore and needed to let some tension out. Shower or something. I made a note to bring it up with maybe Shayna later, and possibly try talking to Demi later on through the week.

Tucking my hair behind my ears, I make sure my sleeves are down before moving on. I was about to just go back to my dressing room when a gentle arm stopped me. "Hey there! I never got to meet you!" It was the sweet and chirpy voice of Candace.

"Oh, hi Candace. I'm Marina, how are you feeling after the match?" I asked her, I knew she had to have some bruises starting to form on her back already.

Candace shrugged and hissed in pain. "Fine apart from these welts on my back. But, I'll survive I'm sure."

I laughed. "Don't we all. Oh! I have this amazing cream for welts like that, trust me I use it all the time and it'll help the pain, the swelling, the scarring, all of it."

"Oh, really? That'd be awesome." Candace come with me back to my dressing room where I gave her the cream. But she asked if I could rub it on for her as she couldn't reach. I of course helped her with it.

I really had this cream for my own scars. The ones I indicted myself. It really worked well for the scarring. But it can only heal so far when you cut so deep. When you burn so much.

Candace hissed as I rubbed the cream in for her. "Sorry." I said.

"It's fine. Ooh, just really stings." Candace groans as I keep rubbing it in. "So, where abouts are you living around here? You close?"

"I own an apartment down in Tampa and am renting one here in Winter Park." I told her.

"Shit, 2 apartments. Girl, that's so cool. How's living in Tampa? I've only been a few times. "Very humid." I laughed. "I guess that's all of Florida though, hey. Just feels hotter in the city for some reason."

Candace laughed.

I continued. "It's great down there. Heaps of restaurants, clubs and stuff like that."

"You go out a lot?" Candace asked.

"Pff, no. I'll be back in my bed by 9pm tonight. I've only been here a week or two so I'm still trying to get to know people." I replied.

"I'm so down if you ever want to go live it up in the Tampa city." Candace told me, smiling.

I screwed the lid back on and put my cream away. "That'd be great, thanks Candace. I'll let you know."

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