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AU- none
Traveler (Non Binary)
3rd person narrator

    "Traveler!" Paimon called out. The duo recently arrived back from several commissions, and they were both exhausted. Traveler was, at least.
    "Tired already? Aww, man.. Paimon had a really, really important place to show you!" She exclaimed, with her usual, cheery attitude. Traveler sighed.

    "Yes, Paimon. I am tired. Do you realize how late it is?" They rolled their eyes, clearly annoyed by their floating companion's antics. "What did you need me to see at this ungodly hour?"

    She huffed, but quickly composed herself to her normal mannerisms. "Well..Paimon knows you're not in the best spot, so.. Paimon was thinking that maybe, you could have some quiet? Just, please, trust me, Traveler..?"

    Traveler was quiet for a moment. They wouldn't admit it, but, traveling with Paimon has always been a small, but delightful pass time. The beam of light that has kept them going.
    "Fine." A small smile threatened across the Traveler's face. Paimon's head perked up ecstatically.
    "Really!?" Paimon looks up at them gleefully. "Paimon has been looking forward to this. C'mon, Traveler!" She tugged at their sleeve, dragging them towards the direction of the surprise location.
    Some time later, Traveler and Paimon met their destination. Paimon hovers over the edge of the lake, the traveler following behind. The lake is beautiful, the moonlight shimmering onto the dazzling water. Gaps of the remaining luminescence in the sky peer through the sakura tree leaves. Vines and flowers scatter the area, as they were placed meaningfully by mother nature herself. Paimon shoots Traveler a smug,"Told you so" kind of look. Traveler chuckles at her actions.

    "Paimon..this is.." Traveler stumbles over their words, or more frankly, lack thereof, as they take in the beautiful scenery. "This place...it's mesmerizing.." They sit down, on one of the large rocks by the pond. "Paimon, how did you discover this? It's so... Is this your favorite place in Tevyat?"

    "I suppose that changes, but right now, yeah!" She smiles brightly, a grin that could light up the whole night sky, like it was only midday.

    She pauses for a moment. Her demeanor changes. "Well.. Paimon doesn't mean to be sappy, but if you insist... Paimon's favorite place is whenever I'm traveling with you..!" She giggles a bit. The confession seems to touch your heart a little.

    "Paimon.. " Traveler smiles, slowly soaking in Paimon's sudden statement. You could practically hear the silence in the small, cozy area.

   "The feeling is mutual. You give me a small bit of courage, sometimes, yknow?" Their gaze slowly wanders off onto the stars, observing the constellations above. "To keep going. To keep searching for my [sister/brother].. I really appreciate you sticking around with me, Paimon."

   Paimon stared at the Traveler in shock, then started to sob. "Ugh, Traveler! You're too sweet!!" Her voice was broken up by sobs. She clung onto the confused Traveler's shoulder, sobbing onto it.

   "Paimon..? Are you..okay?" They asked, concerned by her.."affection".

    "Waaaah...! I wasn't expecting that..! Sniff. I thought I was just emergency food!!" Paimon was hysterical, her reaction almost funny.

    "Whatever you say, Paimon." Traveler says sarcastically. They laugh the interaction off, and pat her head. They reach into the backpack beside them, and pull out an apple, a small gift from Venti.

"Can I have a bite?"

"No, this is mine."



[Abt 565 words, I'm too lazy to subtract the extras lel]

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