earth - 001.

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tw: implied suicide

two years ago : earth—4720

y/n watched in horror as her aunt, the one person who had always been there for her, made the unimaginable decision. time seemed to slow down as y/n's mind struggled to comprehend the scene unfolding before her.

the gun in her hand.

the raising if her arm.

the tears that welled in her eyes; the moonlight reflecting off of them.

her heart shattered, and a torrent of emotions flooded her being. the weight of grief and guilt bore down on her young shoulders, threatening to consume her entirely.

in a daze, y/n stumbled backward, her legs carrying her away from the grim reality that now lay before her. tears streamed down her face as she fled the scene, her mind unable to process the overwhelming pain that engulfed her. every step was a painful reminder of what she had just witnessed, each footfall echoing her anguish.

the sound of her feet became unbearable; she shot a web, beginning to swing somewhere— anywhere. there was no destination in mind.

lost in her sorrow, y/n found herself wandering the darkened streets of the city, seeking solace in the anonymity of the night. the city's chaos buzzed around her like an indiscernible cacophony, the sounds blending together in a distorted symphony of despair. she needed a refuge, a sanctuary where she could let her anguish pour out freely.

through blurry eyes, y/n spotted an abandoned warehouse nestled in the forgotten outskirts of the city. its crumbling facade stood as a testament to the neglect it had endured over time. the dim glow of a flickering streetlamp nearby cast eerie shadows across the broken windows, inviting her to seek solace within.

with a heavy heart, y/n pushed open the rusted doors and stepped into the dilapidated building. the air was thick with dust and the scent of decay, mirroring the desolation she felt inside. finding a secluded corner, she collapsed onto the cold, concrete floor, her body wracked with sobs that seemed to emanate from the depths of her soul.

as her tears flowed, the room around her seemed to blur, the warehouse walls fading away into an otherworldly mist. confused and disoriented, y/n looked up, her gaze meeting a shimmering portal that had materialized before her. it glowed with an otherworldly light; bright blues, yellows, pinks and purples beckoning her to step through and leave behind the pain that consumed her.

driven by a desperate instinct, y/n rose to her feet and stumbled toward the portal, her sorrow now mingling with curiosity. she pulled her mask down, and without hesitation, she stepped through the threshold, leaving behind the broken fragments of her universe for an unknown realm beyond.

the transition was disorienting, the world twisting and turning around her. y/n felt as though she was being pulled through an interdimensional vortex, her senses overwhelmed by a kaleidoscope of colors and sensations. and then, as suddenly as it had begun, the whirlwind subsided, leaving her standing in a new reality.

before her, a bustling cityscape stretched as far as the eye could see. tall skyscrapers pierced the sky, their mirrored surfaces reflecting the sunlight.

without having another second to observe, another portal had materialized below her feet, swallowing her. she yelped watching the mix of shapes and colors whir past her like a bullet train. and then, again, as suddenly as it had started, it stopped, and she found herself standing in the middle of what looked like a laboratory.

the room was overwhelmingly big, the marble material of the floors made itself evident every step she took. the room was dim, but there was a blue-ish light that she could make out above her, aswell as... a person?

y/n swallowed as she squinted her eyes to get a better look at the person above her. it looked like an older man. he was built, his longish hair tucked behind his ears. it wasn't long before the person noticed her too.

"who the hell are you, and how'd you get in here?"

hammerspace ; h. brownOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora