A soft-looking dark grey couch was placed under the artwork, a table made of glass in front of it. The sofa looked comfy, like something you could sleep on without having back pain after. The blankets hanging on the armrests were fluffy and were probably perfect to snuggle with in the wintertime.

When Zayn sat down and patted the space next to him, I quickly obliged and sat down, leaving some room in between us. He scooted closer though, resting an arm behind me. It felt strange but also like a bubble of protection.

When I looked up again three men descended the stairs. The first one I knew from before, Liam coming down with his gentle chocolate brown eyes, having a friendly smile on his lips when he saw me. Behind him, Niall walked down. I recognized him from his hair, Mai had shown enough pictures of its feathery structure. He wore glasses, making him seem more mature and adult-like. Kind of like a dad on his day off, looking relaxed and approachable.

Niall was closely followed by Louis, with his blue eyes, a different shade than Niall's. It was weird, I thought a lot about eye colors, although I could never look someone in the eye.

They all sat down on the couch opposite to us, all sporting similarly bright smiles as Zayn's when looking at me. After a minute of silence, Liam spoke.

"We're just waiting on Harry, he should be finished soon." followed by a shout from upstairs. "I'm coming!" The light patter of feet meeting the floor and a sigh before he sat down, greeting me in the process. I nodded, turning shy. My hands were shaking more than when I first got here but I decided to push past it, holding them in place in my lap.

Embrace the change. Well, at least be okay with it.

"Well, you already know me, and Niall is on my right," Liam started, Niall cutting in with a 'hello' and a waving motion with his hand, bringing a smile to my face. "On my left is Harry who doesn't know anything about time management." Liam stated, a jokingly stern eye directed towards the man, before he could move on Harry commented. "But it's not my fault that I want to look presentable." which Zayn chuckled to.

Liam smiled and gestured towards Louis, "and I'm Jennifer". Louis spoke before Liam had a chance to introduce him, his comment making me giggle. My quite embarrassing laugh made their smiles bigger, looking like it must hurt while I blushed.

"No, I'm Louis, love, but you can call me Lou or whatever you feel comfortable with." He expressed; his voice darker than I thought it would be after watching One Direction compilations on YouTube with Mai.

I nodded in response, still a bit cautious, but honestly, I would say I'm handling the situation quite well, I'm not running from them yet. And considering I usually avoid or flee from my dilemmas, it's progress.

They had shown nothing but kindness yet, my timidity was just me needing to warm up to them and getting to know them. Mai would be proud of me if she knew that I wasn't the shaking, nervous wreck I usually am when meeting new people.

"So, this is where you're going to live, we are really happy to have you." Liam sated, looking around the room with his own eyes. I smiled at that, trying to come across as polite, even though I hadn't uttered a single word except a quiet 'hello' since I entered the house.

It was so silent, being used to always having music around, it was a big difference. I eyed the white speaker in the corner of the room, my eyes drawn to it. I felt Zayn looking at me without turning away from the speaker. He looked down at his phone and seconds later music streamed through the speaker. Some mellow piano thing, it wasn't really my cup of tea, but it was better than nothing.

I think I relaxed a bit after that, the music instantly calming me. I found it easier to talk and our conversation varied from them telling stories about each other, sharing our fears, Niall's being claustrophobia, I mentioned my fear of eyes, including an apology for being impolite and not looking them in the eye while speaking.

We chatted for about two hours, before I said it was probably best for me to go home before it became too late, them agreeing not wanting me to walk in the dark. Well, they didn't want me walking at all, so after me assuring them that I'd be fine, Louis not agreeing and some debating, I was driven home by Zayn and Louis in a surprisingly normal car.

I thanked them profusely before wishing them a good night and saying "I'll see you tomorrow". I unlocked the door and left my keys on the table as usual, sighing and sitting down in the lonely house. Not nearly as welcoming as the house I was in half an hour ago.

I missed the company, although I am shy and fear people, I don't enjoy being lonely. Funnily enough the thing I am most of the time is just that, lonely.


Hello people!

I don't like this chapter, but oh well, I say that about every chapter.

I promise, next chapter we will get into the story!

Do we have any questions? Anything bugging you?

If you enjoyed reading this, then please continue reading, vote, comment and be the amazayn human you are! (Maybe a bit less creepy? I think I'm getting used to it)

'Til Next Time

See ya!

Genevie (One Direction Age Regression)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن