He loves cats

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You've been hanging out with Toby for a while now, coming back to your guy's spot almost every night. Some nights even staying up more than you were supposed to when you were supposed to be studying instead, but you didn't mind if it meant it was for him.

You were unusually out today though during the day since you weren't busy, but then you had the pleasant surprise of Toby being at the stump where you two first met. Conveniently where you hoped he would be.

"Well hello stranger~" You said sarcastically, earning an eye roll from him. "H-Hello, M/n. Whatcha d-doin out here t-today?" He looked up from his hatchet he was sharpening and at you, his head quickly twitching to the side a few times.

You smiled softly at him, making sure not to show your oddly thick and sharp canine's. "Well I don't have anything better to do today and I was hoping I'd run into you here."

I stopped in front of him, gazing down into his beautiful brown eyes. He had stopped wearing his goggles around you after a couple of times you guys would hangout. You thought it was sweet. His stutters and jerks and twitches would also calm down whenever he'd spend more time with you as well.

"O-Oh, well h-here I am." You could tell he was cracking a smile underneath his mask from the way his eyes slightly crinkled. He never took it off, which you didn't mind, but was a little sad you couldn't see what he looked like fully. But you had hope in due time he'd completely trust you.

You slightly giggled from his comment. "Indeed, here you are." You crouched down in front of him, and stared at his hatchet tilting your head to the side. "They need some sharpening huh?" He nodded. "I-It's getting a little ha-harder to cut the wood. And all I have to use is-is a fuckin rock because it's cheaper. Th-Though the sound is terrible and hur-hurts my ears." He wasn't lying, the sound was outrageous. It was making Toby twitch a lot and his eyebrows furrowed more.

"Hm, understandable. You should definitely invest into some headphones for it." He sighs and nods in agreement. "Anyways though, we've been hanging out for a while now and I was wondering if you'd like to come over to my place tonight? I'm having friends over too so you can meet them if you're comfortable with it." You look away from his hatchet and at him. He stopped moving. He just stared at you and didn't say a word which made you nervous.

"Uuuh, you don't have to? It was, just a thought. We're going to have a movie night and I just thought you'd like to join is all.." You looked away and a hint of disappointment was on your face. You were hoping he'd be happy but he seemed to be quite the opposite. Until he quickly grabbed your hands into his, causing you to look at him with wide eyes.

"I-I'd love to! I'd l-love t-to.." He said as he gazed into your e/c eyes, his head jerking to the side slightly and his hands tightening and then untightening around yours. You give him a big smile and nod. "Great! It's going to be starting at 7 pm, is that ok?" He said yes and let go of your hands, the sudden warmth now gone internally made you sad but you brushed those feelings off.

He went back to sharpening his hatchets, and you just watched for a bit as you talked to him about what movies you guys were going to watch. You listed off some classic horrors and some that you personally favored. He'd specifically ask you more questions about the ones you were interested in about more which caused you to have butterflies from the small gesture.

Once he was done sharpening his hatchets he put them away safely and looked down at you, chin resting on his hand as him arm was on his leg. You chatted happily away about how your guy's morning went. You told him you played with your cat which to your surprise Toby was VERY interested about. You told him about Salem, how she was a beautiful fluffy tortoise shell cat with half of her face being black and orange with specks of black, grey, and orange everywhere on her fur and had the most gorgeous emerald green eyes.

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