"That's my phone charger!"
"No it's not, it's mine."
"You got it from my room!" Aldryx exclaimed.
"It has my initial on it." said Agoti.
"What exactly is going on in here?" Solazar said, standing in the doorway.
"He took my phone charger." Aldryx said.
"It's mine!"
"If it's in my room, it's mine!"
"Oh yeah? If I threw my shoe into your room, it would still be mine!"
"We have more than one phone charger." Sol sighed.
"Well I like this one." said Agoti.
"Well you can't have it. It's mine!"
"Fight me bitch." Agoti said, sticking his tongue out at Aldryx.
"Oh shit." Agoti said, barely dodging in time as Aldryx lunged for him.
"Give me the phone charger." Sol ordered, holding out his hand. "It's mine now."
Agoti begrudgingly handed it over. "For the record I didn't start it."
"You ALWAYS start it!"
"Enough! Enough, World War three does not need to start over a phone charger. What's all this?" Sol asked, pointing at half packed bags.
"We're fleeing the state. See ya." Agoti said, grabbing his bag and heading for the exit. Sol dragged him back into the room before he passed.
"And no one was going to tell me about this?"
"We were gonna tell you after we left, so that way you couldn't stop us from going." Agoti said.
"Dude, just stop talking." Aldryx groaned.
"I'm a grown ass man! I should be allowed to go on spontaneous road trips whenever I want!" Agoti protested.
"You're a grown ass man who disappeared for over a year." Solazar countered.
"God dammit he has a point." Agoti muttered.
"Well, this time I'll be with him." Aldryx said. "I won't let him out of my sight."
"Also not an option I like!" Agoti protested.
"Tabi's going too. He's responsible." Aldryx offered.
"I have no freedom." Agoti grumbled.
"We could always implant him with a microchip or something." said Aldryx.
"Are you fucking kidding me?!" Agoti groaned.
Sol thought for a moment. "I would possibly be willing to let you go if you met a few terms."
"Go on." said Aldryx.
"Keep your phone gps on, call me every hour, tell me where you are and where you're going-"
"I feel like I'm under terrorist surveillance!" Agoti exclaimed.
"Every three hours." Aldryx said. "And I'll buy one of those child leashes to keep him on."
Sol had a feeling he was going to regret this later. "Alright, you have a deal."
"Yes! Thank you!" Aldryx said.
"Do I seriously have to wear a leash?" asked Agoti.

"You took the longest out of all of us." said Pico. The entire gang, minus Skid and Pump had assembled in Boyfriend's apartment.
"I'm going to go through your drawers." said Agoti.
"Like hell you are!" Boyfriend yelled.
"Why? What's in there?" Whitty snickered.
"It doesn't matter! Jesus Christ, I'm ready to go now. You all suck."
"You're the one dragging me on this trip." Ruv said, still looking miserable.
"It'll be fun." Hex reassured.
"This bus fits twenty people, so there should totally be enough room for all of us." said Boyfriend. "I'm driving first, so whatever I say goes."
"This is going to be a very short road trip." said Pico.
The gang piled into the bus. Ruv instantly moved to the very back, away from everyone else who stayed near the front.
"Let's get this party started!" Agoti said, turning off his phone.
"What are you doing?" asked Aldryx.
"Living my goddamn life. I don't want to be tracked."
Tabi turned his phone back on. "And how did that go last time?"
"Fuck." Agoti muttered.
"And, we're off!" Boyfriend said, pulling out of the parking lot. "The adventure has officially begun!"
"Yay!" Hex cheered.
"Where are we going?" Ruv mumbled.
"I don't know." Boyfriend said. "I brought a coin, so once we get outside the city limits, I'll flip it to see if we should turn left or right."
"We're all going to die." Ruv muttered.
"Should I go sit with him?" Hex whispered.
"Just let him sulk for now. It's safer for all of us. We'll make him socialize when he's a little less angry with the world." Whitty said. "Hey Boyfriend, turn some music on or something."
"You're seriously going to trust him with the music?" Agoti asked. "That's a shitty idea."
"My music is fine!"
"Ok you know what!" Boyfriend said angrily, turning to face Agoti.
"EYES ON THE ROAD!" shrieked Hex. The bus swerved back into its lane, Boyfriend clutching the wheel nervously.
"We're all going to die." Ruv mumbled again.

𝘚𝘵𝘳𝘦𝘦𝘵 𝘚𝘮𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘴|𝙵𝚛𝚒𝚍𝚊𝚢 𝙽𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝙵𝚞𝚗𝚔𝚒𝚗'Where stories live. Discover now