And those lips, God those lips. They tasted of strawberry and her breath tasted of spearmint, likely the flavor of her toothpaste. They were soft and malleable and fit so perfectly against her own it was almost as if her lips were made to kiss Roseanne's. She could drown in the sheer knowledge of their mouths' compatibility.

But it was the eyes that Lisa realized were seared into her mind because she couldn't close her own without seeing the brightest, most beautiful brown that she had ever seen. Those eyes that had been enough to end her months long struggle of writers block. Those eyes that sparkled when she truly smiled, that danced when she laughed, that held so much concern when Lisa would tell her about some skeleton from her past. After they pulled away from their kiss the brown irises seemed smaller in size and obsidian pupils appeared blown wide. They shook as they stood inches apart as if searching Lisa's face for something, anything. They seemed desperate for more and Lisa felt sorrow that she didn't provide it.

If she was hiding her feelings about Roseanne from herself before, it was nearly impossible to do so now. She liked Roseanne, more than she probably should. She liked the way she laughed. She adored the way she smiled. She was mesmerized by the way she would bite her bottom lip when she read things that Lisa wrote. And now she was infatuated with the way Roseanne's body, any part of her body, felt pressed against her own.

And maybe there was nothing wrong about feeling this way about Roseanne. Maybe there was absolutely nothing wrong with her going over that kiss over and over in her mind. Maybe there was nothing wrong with admitting to herself that she most definitely wanted to feel Roseanne's body pressed up against hers again, preferably on this very bed. The problem was that the way her hands itched to write when inspiration struck as a means to ease her mind was the exact same itch her fingers had now, desperate to ease the tension between her legs. And with her sister in her bed? Lisa felt like a total perv.

Of all the times that Jennie could have broken up with Irene, why did it have to be now?

Her heart was beating quickly in her chest as she watched her breath materialize into a plume in the cold air as she walked down the street to 'The Coffee Spot'. She had contemplated staying home and not risking making a complete fool out of herself in front of the kiss skilled barista. More so than that she was contemplating staying home and taking her sweet, sweet time releasing the tension from her body while her sister was gone from the apartment to collect her things from the hotel room she had been staying at the past week. But Jennie had other plans, or rather her manager had other plans.

Jennie had picked up Lisa's notebook and pen, handing them to the brunette with a stern look before she pointed at the door telling her sister to go try and find some more inspiration for the book that they had just doubled her salary for. Lisa had tried to argue and said that she needed a break which just earned her a glare before the items were shoved against her chest and two hands forcefully pushed her out of her own apartment door. And that's how Lisa found herself with her heart palpitating as she entered the warm coffee shop. She regretted it the moment Jisoo's eyes lit up mischievously upon seeing her.

"How's it going, Sugar Lips? Can I get you the usual?"

The nickname made Lisa pause right in the middle of removing the gloves from her hands. It took her a moment to finally remove the glove as her bare fingers ghosted over her own lips, hoping that she had had snow coating them and that that was the reason for the girl's teasing remark. There was nothing there and the action made Jisoo smile even more wickedly.

"You didn't honestly think you were going to be able to make out with Roseanne in front of my coffee shop and think that it wasn't going to get back to me did you? You can't hide things from me. Did I not teach you anything the first night you came in here? I'm just that good!" Her arms were crossed over her chest and she was looking rather proud of herself.

Love Letters And Coffee (Chaelisa)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora