Start from the beginning

Hikari's eyes turned away from his gaze. She scoffed.

"I can't believe you Mui, why would you trust that? It's from Yuki of all people not to mention! I've told you several times that she hates me" Hikari said, tears starting to fall from her eyes.

Muichiro felt like he was looking at a maniac.

"Hikari, I said it was a rumor, I'm not saying it's true. God how many times will you try to twist my words?"

"I'm not twisting your words! You're the one who's stupid enough to believe those things!" Hikari defended herself, her voice starting to get higher.

Muichiro was not having it. He ran his fingers through his hair. When he was about to say something, Hikari cut him off.

"Don't you love me?"

Muichiro froze.

"Hikari that's going too far, I was just asking because I was worried"

"No you're not! You don't trust me, and who knows, maybe you're the one cheating on me!"

Muichiro's patience was slowly thinning. He didn't like how his girlfriend was acting.

"Answer me, who is it? That girl you were talking to the other day?"

No I don't even know her name, please stop.

"Hikari that was my project-"

"Yuki? I knew she always liked you! She could take the chance while I'm not around you know!"

Hikari please… I love you, why would I cheat on you?

"You know she was never interested in me"

"Oh so who then? Who you fucking cheater?"

I loved you.

"You're acting like a bitch." Muichiro spat. His patience has run out. "Get out, for the sake of both our sanity."

Hikari huffed. Getting up and taking her shoes. Muichiro flinched when he heard the door slam as she left.

Taking a deep breath, he slowly sunk into the floor, tears threatening to fall. The silence was deafening. But he wished it stayed silent instead. For he could feel his heart slowly cracking, a piercing pain through his chest. Finding it harder and harder to breathe.

Muichiro knew this was a wound you aren't able to heal with bandages and stitches.


Yozora's heart felt heavy.

She wasn't sure why, but as she worked together with Muichiro, practicing the lines on a project they had to work on together. She found it odd how a freshman student was paired up with a sophomore student. But she didn't question it, afterall, the school said this was to be performed in front of the whole department. There was also another excuse that this was a way to improve 'communication and teamwork skills'.

She noticed his eyes, which seemed sore. As if he cried himself to sleep. Dark circles under his eyes. She noticed how his movements seemed sluggish. Making too many mistakes.

It was obvious to Yozora he wasn't in his best condition.

The girl sighed, her fingers stopped typing. She turned and looked at Muichiro, who was sitting beside her in the school library.

"What happened?" Yozora said. Muichiro stared at the girl, wide eyed. As if he couldn't believe what she had just said.

"You have eyebags, surely you don't have enough sleep if you have them. Plus your eyes look sore."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2023 ⏰

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