Bakari stubbornly shook his head, clutching his stellaluna hair with care. "No, I want mama and want papa..."he muttered. Even this young his voice was soft and gentle like the first falling snow of winter or first rains after a long dry season. Smooth, silky it left an odd nostalgic tingle in the back of the silver haired scholar's mind.

"Well we can't always have our way, little Vesperus. Where your parents are going is far too dangerous for you at this time."he tried to explain but his words seem to do little comfort the little reincarnated moon deity. However a sound of knocking on the door alerted them. Nalini looked up her elven ears giving a small twitch as out of instinct she sniffed before her eyes lit up in excitement.

"Auntie Fwower!!"cheered Nalini as she clumsily jumped to her feet straight for the door. But due to her currently short size the little goddess had to jump and already the strength in those legs surprised Alhaitham. This month old forest spirit adeptus had jumped up after two tries to grab the door noob and twist it and open it. On the other end was indeed a familiar sight that sent Alhaitham's heart racing as waves upon waves of blurry memories, warm and tender, made him move without thinking straight for the door.

"Auntie~!"cheered Nalini eagerly running right into Nilou's arms. The bright angelic smile on the redhead performer as she giggled in delight.

"Nalini, my word you were here? Where are your brother and parents?"she greeted.

"Working, so they weft me and bwother with uncle Hawky."giggled Nalini.

"Hello Nilou. Please come in, no need for you to stay outside when it may rain soon."Alhaitham greeted and quickly offered.

"That's kind of you, thank you."Nilou smiled, clutching her gift in one hand and then let eager little Nalini lead her inside. Once inside she set the little tin gift down to open it revealing a large batch of many varieties of Sumerian goulash pastries. The smell peaked little sulking Bakari as he glanced over as Nilou took a seat beside Alhaitham.

"Cwandy?"he wondered.

"Nilou what's the meaning of this?"Alhaitham wondered.

"Well I know you hate foods that require you to put your books down so I made these. Don't tell me you forgot what today is, Alhaitham?"she wondered with a curious smile. Slowly it dawned on him as he looked over at the calendar: February 11th.

"What is twoday?"wondered Bakari.

"Yeah yeah what so spwecial?"agreed Nalini in earnest as she hurried over.

"It's my could I have forgotten?"Alhaitham laughed softly as he reached out to grab one of the treats. His two youngest guests stared in confusion.

"A birthday is a very big day for a person or deity. It is when they were born. Bakari and Nalini, you are only a month old right?"both twins nodded as Nillou offered a treat to them. Nalini flat out refused but Bakari happily accepted the gesture.

"So twoday is uncle's bwiggest day?"Nalini wondered.

"That's right, Nalini. My biggest day...I can't believe I forgot."sighed Alhaitham. He was startled as Nilou smiled warmly snuggling up to him with a pleased hum. His normally stoic face softened as he wrapped his arm around her. A glint of mischief as his eyes turned scarlet Bakari crawled over to snuggle up in both their laps. The affection being displayed between them was gentle and soft, not like the boisterous banter he'd seen between Tighnari and Cyno. His scarlet eyes seeing not one but two ancient souls within these two humans. It fascinated him and intrigued him as he watched them reading quietly.

"Rwead to me too?"Bakari bore a far more confident tone.

"Won't this level confuse you, Lord Khonsu?"wondered Nilou as Nalini climbed up to join them.

"Nah uh. Auntie Crane twell lots and lots. I like learning."assured Bakari.

"Mama and Papa sway smart gwood and not to be swupid like Squeaker."added Nalini.

"Alhaitham why not read them the Tale of Shiruyeh And Shirin?"suggested Nilou.

"Isn't that the story the theater troupe is putting on right now?"Nilou nodded and hopped off while carrying Vesperus in one arm. Before long she found a rose colored cover of the two books and grabbed both and hurried back handing first volume to the acting grand sage. The twins' gazes were locked on and fascinated as Alhaitham opened the book and began to read. All the while Vesperus's scarlet eyes began to glow, pupils thin feral slits as he listened while outside the moon had begun to rise as the tale began to be spun.

But who in Sumeru had earned the ire and gaze of the little moon god? A dark snarling shadow had been cast over the Tanit Tribe countless red threads and souls left to his mercy. Jeht, Lumine, Xiao, and Paimon naive of what treachery the Tanit had in store. All the while Vesperus was warm, and now enjoying himself was being kept distracted as his currently scarlet eyes saw the reincarnated souls of not just one god but two within his godparents. Scarlet soon faded to harvest gold as he snuggled in Alhaitham's lap. Nearby his sister was long out for the count as she snored away beside Nilou.

"Not tired yet Vesperus?"chuckled Nilou as she watched Kaveh storm in. The two roommates begin to once again argue. Poor Vesperus was covering his ears at just how loud the much older emotional copper eyed blonde was. Alhaitham looked right up fed up with it all as well.

"He's loud...Loud like Squeaky."he growled softly.

"Ha ha ha! I know, they always get like this but you learn to tune it out."assured Nilou gently ruffling the boy's hair. Vesperus smiling brightly. It was odd why her spirit looked like somebody he knew but should not? Even the name that surfaced as she hugged him with such affection and angelic laughter. It confused his young mind.

Why did her soul look like Nabu?

Xiaolumi Fated Encounter II: Yaksha LegacyWhere stories live. Discover now