Chapter 1

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Aubree looked in the mirror at the white wedding dress she wore. She was not pleased in the slightest.

"Smile, my love. It's your wedding day." Her mother cooed.

"I would if I picked the man." Aubree rolled her eyes.

"Santana is very good looking.  I think you'll like him a lot."

Aubree grinded her teeth. She absolutely hated how optimistic her mother was. Her mother wasn't the one forcing her into this marriage, it was her father. Her father was a greedy man and wanted to ensure the future of his kingdom. So, marry her off to a very rich and prestigious family. Granted her mother was a Queen but she had no say so in certain affairs of the kingdom. For the most part, Isabel was just arm candy for her father.

Aubree had just finished college and she had been determined to travel the world before she settled into her career as a Sport Psychologist.

"Time to walk down the aisle." Her mother ushered her out.

When the doors opened and Aubree saw the built man standing at the alter all she could think was "there's no possible way that man is my husband." He was board shouldered, tall, muscular build, jet black hair, green eyes that could pierce into a woman's soul.

Music played as she walked down the aisle. She could tell his side of the family was curious to see who was under her veil. She wondered if they had any idea that she would be cooper skinned.

When she made it to the alter, she stood waiting for the man to take her hand and he never did.

"Has anyone seen the groom?" The priest asked.

"Wait, this isn't him?" She asked pointing to the man right beside her. He flashed a beautiful smile and shook his head.

"No, La Petite. I am your future husband's brother, Roman."

"I'm right here." I turned as I watched a man who looked exactly like Roman but with dark brown hair and blue eyes. He walked in with a brunette with long legs, thick eyebrows, and thick lips. She looked like a natural beauty. Aubree sank into herself. She could tell from the longing in the woman's eyes that they were more than family or friends. And Aubree felt like her looks couldn't compare to this young woman's.

When Santana made it to the alter, he looked over at Aubree in disgust even though he couldn't see her face. She shrank more into herself. She could feel it in her gut. He didn't like her already. Which she couldn't quite blame him for. He had a beautiful girlfriend, now he HAD to marry a woman he had never met.


"You may now kiss the bride."

Santana hesitated as he looked out into the audience at his beloved. He took a deep breath as his girlfriend nodded in understanding. He turned back to Aubree and began to lift her veil slowly.

Once over her head, she heard the audience shift in their seats. Santana sucked in a breath over looking at the beauty in front of him. She was gorgeous, much prettier than his girlfriend, but regardless of Aubree's looks he didn't know her, so she was just another beautiful girl, nothing more.

He leaned in and hesitated again.

"You don't have to." Aubree whispered so no one could hear.

He glanced back up into her eyes and became enraged. "You are now my wife. And I didn't ask for your opinion. You should learn a woman's place."

"I only said so because I can see how much grief kissing another woman brings you and your girlfriend. We are married for our kingdoms not to please one another." This time Aubree didn't whisper.

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