( - prologue ! )

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  The disappearances began in October of last year

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The disappearances began in October of last year. Since then, one witch or wizard has been reported missing on the 20th of every month. The perpetrators of these acts has recently been identified as a group called the Praesumptor. There is very little known about the organization. No demands have been made. No leader has been indicated and no objective has been made clear. The attacks are erratic and impossible to predict.

As of today, 14 missing wizards in total have been linked to the Praesumptor. All 14 disappearances have been of teenagers between the ages of 15 and 19, of all blood statuses, and in many different countries. Only two things link the attacks. The first, a simple circle, painted in blood, left near the sites of the disappearances. The second, cryptic notes regarding the Praesumptor and their attacks.

The magical community believes firmly in strength in numbers. So, In order to keep students in the international community safe, the magical governments around the world have brought their students together under the guise of the 150th Triwizard Tournament, which was re-formed in order to bring a sense of unity to young wizards and witches around the world when they need it most.

The tournament will be the largest yet, with seven schools participating with four students from each school attending and will be highly publicized. Even so, this doesn't keep the minds of students off their missing friends and the imposing threat of the Praesumptor.

"Welcome to the 150th Triwizard Tournament. On this very momentous anniversary of the tournament, the seven schools have decided to compete in teams and invite other schools to join them in this historic competition. There will be seven teams from each Academu, each team will have 3 students.
Champions will be participating in three tasks to determine the winner. The school honored with hosting the tournament and tasks has been selected by the judges and will be Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
Students must at least be 16 years of age to enter their name into the tournament, and must be fully aware that they could be injured or even die during the competition."


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