Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!

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Little info: Some people are Demons and have a power but the catch is, when they use it slowly kills them. The rest of the people are Furries, people with animal qualities that can change into their animal. Blue is an unknown animal. Alax is a wolf and his ears are very sensitive to touch. Scarlit is a Light Demon. There isn't a big difference between the Light and Dark Demons besides their horn size. Some are both, which makes them a Gray Demon. Jess is a Dark Demon meaning her horn is small. Some have 2 horns, some have just one. It takes a lot of concentration for Furries to change into their animal. The bigger the person, the more concentration is required to change vise versa with the animal. Take Alax, he's a wolf. That's going to require about average same with his size. Blue's never tried to change because of stress and *spoiler* his animal is legendary so it's HUGE.

Alax's P.O.V.

I ditched my friends and went back to Blue's locker.

Maybe today I would finally get to apologize for everything.

I opened the locker and he fell out but quickly caught himself before I had time to even react.

He kept his head down, not even bothering to see who just let him out. He just continued walking the opposite direction, to his first class probably.

He wore black sweatpants, while I wore blue shorts. He wore a dark red hoodie, I wore and purple and black jacket. He had crocks, I had sneakers.

"Hey!" I yelled at him. He visibly flinched and froze.

"No thank you?" I asked jokingly, walking toward him. He whispered something, probably a thank you, and speed walked away. There was not point in following him. I could just find him during lunch.

I noticed his ear, since he only had one, was down like in shame all most.

Scarlit's P.O.V.

Again. Really? Again? Same 15 year olds got into a fight in the cafeteria.

I sighed. There were lots of kids around the 2 girls. One kicked the other and and she punch her. Kids gasped. I rolled my eyes. This was nothing new to me.

I stepped into the fight into the middle to stop them. I held out my hands to them, signaling to stop and don't move. The one who started all the fights a black haired bitch rolled her fists and glared.

She wore pink tights and a yellow crop top. I glared right back and look at the other girl. I think her name was Jess. Her hair covered her eyes and by the looks of it, on propose. She wore a black hoodie and pants. I looked her up and down before she pointed toward the BHB(Black Haired Bitch) and she was lundging at me.

She tackled me to the floor.

More gasps.

She delivered a hella good punch to the side of my face. My hand grabbed her hair and yanked her head back. She yelled sometimes I didn't understand. My feet acted and shoved her off of me. Jess pinned BHB to the ground. She struggled but stopped soon.

I stood up and backed up like I was never there. Seconds later teachers, were praiying the girls apart. When teachers asked who else was involved, to my surprise, nobody called me out. People were saying no one, others were saying just them. BHB started yelling and pointing at me. "Hey! She was in it too! She pulled my hair and kicked me in the stomach!"

When teachers looked at me, I put on a worried face and shook my head. Other students also stood up for me saying, "What are you talking about?" "She was standing there the entire time." "What?!" Stuff like that. Once the teachers looked away I nodded at them like a thank you and left. Why did they stand up for me? Is what I wondered the rest of the day.

Jess's P.O.V.

I was brought to detention shortly after the blond left. That was the second time Mary had attacked me this week. Apparently I "stole" her AirPods. In truth, I did.

And she was never getting them back because the first second I could, I threw them away.

I was never going to admit it or fess up, one, because nobody knows or saw me take them and, 2, she deserved it.

I'm still baffled by why the other students stood up for the blond. I mean I'm not complaining, I don't want her to be involved in my business, but... why?

Im confident that her name was Scarlit.

I'm sitting in detention with Mary, waiting for Mrs. Grayson. Mary was filing her nails with a look of pure anger on her face. I scoffed and rolled my eyes.

I heard a locked being slammed and boys laughing, patting each other's backs and high-fives.

I paid them no attention and went back to staring out the window.

An old teacher walked in, god she looked pissed. "Who started it?" She asked, sitting in her chair.

I pointed to Mary and she looked a d the teacher. She shrugged and went back to her nails.

"Mary, one more fight and I'm gonna have to suspend you."

Mary just rolled her eyes. "Never mind. I'm suspending you now." She opened a small drawer in her desk.

"What?! Why!? What the fuck did I do now!?" She yelled standing up fast.

"1, eye rolling, 2, swearing, 3, attitude and tone." Mrs, Grayson said pulling out a yellow sheet, handing it to Mary. Mary scoffed, took the sheet and left. I looked at Mrs. Grayson, and tilted my head as if saying, "What about me?"

She sighed. "Off to class I guess, Jess. I hope I won't have to see you again in here." I stood up, bowed and said, "Thank you miss."

As I entered my next class the bell rang. Wow. What timing, I chuckled to myself.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2023 ⏰

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