Years long Passed

Start from the beginning

"Your mother is right. Now would you like some sweetness to your tea?" Your father asks and that catches your attention quickly, a wide smile breaking on your face as you quickly nod. He smiles once more, happy to see that he could pull you from such sadness.


"and then I-!"

"You mustn't speak so much at dinner" Vania's voice rings suddenly

"It is unladylike," she complains. You find shame burn through you at the words as you quickly stopped your words.

"Sorry" you speak in a near whisper, your head falling slightly. She tsks at you.

"It is alright" her tone sounds of hidden irritation. Once your apology is accepted you allow your eyes to be shown at the table once more. Only after a long moment, though with dread building, do you dare opening your mouth once more.

"May I be excused, lady Vania?" You ask, her eyes shifting down towards you with a open annoyance before eventually nodding. You show her a bright smile and go to stand. She stops you as you feel a something laid over your shoulder. On further inspection you find it to be your satchel.

"But you must go to your room. You are behind on your books" she explains and your body visibly deflates. But you know better than to disagree with her. So, doing as told, you head up the stairs and down the halls that seem a little more guarded than usual, soon arriving at you door. You had reached for the handle when, suddenly, something caught the corner of your eye. Immediately at alert you snap your head in the direction of it to see the head of a hooded figure peeking out before a blur of black turns down the hall and leaves your vision. You, in your childlike innocence, assumed it to be a game, for there was no other explination for it to you. Nothing dangerous ever roamed these castle walls and surely none would make it as far as your room without being caught. So, free from inhibition and full of excited curiosity, the chase began.

You caught glimpses of a black cloak that ran ahead of you, just barely out of eyesight at each turn as you were led down the parts of the castle less traveled. You had to admit they were rather quick, at least quicker than you could run in your awful dress, but you knew the castle better. It only took you a few alternative hallways before they made it to a dead end and were trapped. It was then you noticed that, while taller than you, they remained quite short. So you assumed them to be a child, like yourself. It only brought you more excitement as it had been so long since you were able to play with another kid.

"Ha! I caught you!" You mocked, a little out of breath as you stood. You watched as the hooded figure frantically looked around before realizing no way out of this.

"Leave me!" a voice you assumed belonging to a younger boy yelled. Your victorious features fell at the sound of his him angered and clearly upset. Your look turned petrified.

"O-Oh um. I'm sorry. I didn't know you were upset. I thought we were playing!" You tried to explain, your hands held up in surrender. The boy didn't make any attempt at moving, looking almost frozen in place. You felt guilt consume you.

"I'm really really sorry. Um…Oh! Here!" You reached into the small bag you held on your side. It was mostly filled with books and work but reaching a little deeper you found what you were looking for. A small piece of candy. You then outstretched it to him.

"It's my last one. You can have it" you spoke happily, hoping that it would make this better somehow. He didn't move for a moment more, which made you feel even worse. But soon hope sprang in your chest when he slowly moved away from the wall and towards you. Once he was close enough to take the candy you were able to look under his hood but, to your surprise, it looked like an empty void. You didn't think much of it though as you gave him a wide smile.

May I Bleed So You May Heal (TOTK Ganondorf X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now