One Shot

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The bell jingled, as the door was opened by a tall blond man. A strong gust of wind followed and he struggled to close the small cafe's door. Red autumn leaves had entered the cafe, guided by the wind, and landed among the others piled by the door. As he turned around to take a proper look at the cafe he had stumbled upon, the enchanting aroma of coffee filled his nose.

The cafe wasn't very big, but was rather cozy. Tables of all sizes, big and small were set up to accommodate groups of various numbers. The ceiling was lined with various small lights which made the lighting easy on the eyes. The wall on the right side of the door was only floor to ceiling windows and visibly had more people than the left.

There were more people in the cafe than the blond was expecting, though most of them were probably here to take a break and get away from the rambunctious wind, like him. Despite the amount of people, it was still pretty quiet, as if affected by the peaceful atmosphere of the place. The loudest thing you could hear was the song they were playing, "Nap of a Star."

"Welcome to Cafe MOA!" A passing by waiter greeted him while holding a tray full of drinks.

The blond nodded while smiling awkwardly at the waiter before approaching the counter. There he was greeted by a cheerful ginger.

"Hello, welcome to Cafe MOA! I am Yeonjun how may I help you today?" he asked looking up at the tall man.

"One blond vanilla latte please," the blond ordered with a shy smile.

"Okay! One blond for a blond coming right up," he said while giving a playful smile, "That'll be $2.13, cash or card?"

"Card please," the tall man pulled out his card from his wallet and tapped it on the processor. As the green check mark appeared, the receipt automatically printed on Yeonjun's side.

"Soobin?" Yeonjun asked, looking at the blond for confirmation, his lips unconsciously pouting in concentration.

"Yes, that's me," Soobin nodded.

"Okay then, please sit at a table and wait for your order," the ginger flashed a bright smile at him while handing over the receipt.

Nodding, Soobin took the receipt and sat at a single person table on the left. Looking at the waiters busily moving around, he guessed that his order would take a while to come by. The warm inside of the cafe was a stark contrast to the chilly winds outside and had already warmed up the blond. In preparation for the wait, the blond took off his duffel coat and hung it on the chair's armrest. He took his phone out in the process and started playing a game to pass the time.

Time passed and he had just finished "We Lost the Summer" with all marvelous on Rhythm Hive when he heard a knock on the table. Looking up, Soobin saw the ginger from the counter. He recalled that the other's name was Yeonjun.

"Hello! Here is the blond vanilla latte for..." Yeonjun brought the drink to eye level re-checking the name on the cup, "Soobin?" He looked down at the seated blond for confirmation, his lips in the same pout as just before. Except, his lips had a sheen layer on it, as if they had just gotten licked.

A bit dazed, Soobin nodded, his eye's still on the other man's lips. Yeonjun set the drink down on the table and was about to leave when he caught a glance at Soobin's phone screen. "All marvelous on hard mode at 5.0 speed?!" Yeonjun's eyes widened in shock, making his face look cuter.

Soobin couldn't help but let out a soft chuckle. The ginger made him want to tease him a bit. "I'm as good as I am handsome aren't I?" The blond combed his hair back as if letting the ginger get a better look at his face.

Their eyes met and for a moment everything was frozen, the quiet music in the cafe had disappeared, and the soft lull of voices had gone silent. But it was only for a moment. The silence was broken by the ginger's hiccupy laughter (I didn't know how else to describe the way he laughs). His eyes curved into crescents as his body shook. Seeing him, Soobin couldn't help but break out into a big grin as he too started laughing.

In the quiet cafe, the two guys were laughing together. One a worker, the other a customer, both caught up in their own little world laughing at a joke others didn't understand.

After a while their laughter died-down but their faces still had huge smiles. "My shift ends in half an hour. Wanna wait and hang out?" Yeonjun asked, his eyes warm and unwavering as if he already knew that the answer would be yes.

"Sure, I'm fine with that," Soobin winked. When Yeonjun turned around to leave Soobin couldn't help but cover his face in embarrassment. How could he just suddenly joke and wink at a random stranger like that?! Thankfully Yeonjun seemed like he didn't mind. Thinking like that he took another peek at Yeonjun. He was taking another person's order and was still smiling. His smile was contagious.

For the rest of the half an hour, all Soobin did was drink his latte while gazing at Yeonjun working. Yeonjun would also look at him and smile from time to time.


"My shift's done now, shall we go?" Yeonjun asked while walking towards Soobin. He had changed out of his work uniform and was now also wearing warm clothes to combat the fierce windy weather.

"Yeah," Soobin smiled while getting up. He had no idea where they were going to go but he wanted to get closer to this man in front of him.

A/N: Thank you for reading! I don't know if I'll write another one but if I do I hope you'll also read it. :) 

Blonde Vanilla Latte(Yeonbin/Soobjun/Soojun One Shot)Where stories live. Discover now