"Have fun in your meetings!" I yell as he walks out the door and his beautiful laughter fills the apartment before the door fully closes.

I clean up the little mess I have made in the process of cooking before going to my room and grabbing a change of cloths before walking over to Ashers bathroom to take a shower. I wash my hair and clean off my body. I let the hot water hit my back, washing the stress away. I get out and blow dry my hair and then put it in natural waves. I put on some natural looking make up before slipping into the cloths I had picked out. Once I am all dressed I look in the mirror and the dark blue jeans I put on really make my legs look skinny and the long sleeve white shirt doesn't cutie fill out my curves as it should. My health has taken kind of a back seat and I make a mental note to remember to start prioritizing my health. I slide on a pair of black wedge boots and throw on a burgundy red rain coat. I send a text to get a ride around town for some errands and am told to go downstairs. I grab my phone and purse with everything in it and make my way downstairs. And to the car. Hudson is standing there waiting for me and he holds the door open. I slide into the car and he starts off down the road. He stops at the Hotel venue and I get out.  I walk into the venue and make my way to the front desk. I ask for the events coordinator for the hospital and they come out rather quickly.

"Ah Stella I was woundering when you would stop buy again, We trust you and your guests had a fantastic evening."

"We did thank you. I actually wanted to stop buy and pay the final fee." I say.

"Of course right this way." She says ushering me towards her office. I sit down and she pulls up a spreadsheet.

"That looks very organized, I'm sure it took you a long time to get to that level of organization for something of this magnatude." I complement.

"Honestly not really, You are very on top of everything though and from what my staff says you were absolutely amaizing to work with and had things placed exactly where they needed to be. You and the company you work for are welcome back at any time." She says.

"Thank you, I am sure Asher will be very happy to hear that." I say.

"Your final payment due is $3,000." She says getting a card reader ready.  I pull Ashers company card out and hand it to her and she charges the card. 

"You are all set." She says. I stand up and get ready to get out but stop before I completely leave. 

"I have a question for you." I say turning around. 

"Of course what is it?" She questions. 

"I am hoping to start my own party planning buisnessm do you have any suggestions to get things started?" I ask. 

"Stella, from what I hear you are going to be perfect in this buisness." She says 

"Thank you. I have had this plan for a long time and I really want it to suceed." I respond. 

"I am sure that you will do more than suceed." She responds. 

"Thank you. I hope you have a great rest of your day!" I reply. 

"Of course! and you too!" 

I walk out of the office and ask Hudson to go to starbucks and I order my usual drink. We drive around for a little while as I try to figure out what I want to do next but as I look at the time I notice it is getting closer to lunch time. 

"Hudson can we go get some food from Panera? Im really craving a salad." I say as my stomach growls. 

"Of course Stella go ahead and text Asher and see what he wants." He suggests. 

I nod my head and text Asher asking im if he wants anything from Panera, He responds reather quickly with what he wants just in time as we pull up to the drive through. We order the food and it comes out quickly so we make our way to Ashers office. When we park I take the food and go up to the top floor that holds Ashers office. I knock on the door and see him on the phone but he waves me in. I set the food down on his desk and sit down on one of the two chairs he has sitting across his desk. I open my food and begin to eat as he talks about some kind of meeting coming up. I don't pay too much attention to the call and focus on the possabilitlies of what he wanted to talk to me about. I have no idea what it is and while I don't feel it is bad you just never know. 

I am taken out of my thoughts as a kiss is placed on the top of my head, and a hand lightly touching my shoulder. 

"Thank you for grabbing lunch." He says as he grabs his food out and sitting in the chir right next to me. We eat in a comfortable silence for a little while and I am starting to get full when he speeks. 

"I didn't want you to just come by for lunch I wanted to show you a proposal I have been working on for the company." He says leaning forward a little bit grabing a fild and handing it to me. 

"I don't know much about the company, you know that but I don't mind taking a look at it." I suggest. 

"Just open it." He smiles. 

Confused I open the file and read over it. Inside I find plans to build a bakery into the building and the expantion of the project management depart ment to add one specific to events and charity. 

"What does this mean?" I ask confusion filling my expression. 

"After watching you work so hard on planning the Gala I began to think about what an asset that would be for the company and so after a lot of conversations with my board We have decided as a company to open a spot for an events and charity Coorddinator. And I want to offer you the position. I have also come up with plans to build a bakery in the lobby so you can bake to your hearts content while also being able to focus on your job." 

Tears begin to prick my eyes as he speeks, He has already gone to great lengths to protect me and make sure that I am safe and happy and now he is offering me my dream job and is willing to basically fund my hobby. 

"I,I don't know what to say." I reply. 

"Just say yes. Everyone here was so impressed with what you did for the Gala that they see great potentioal in what you can do for the comany and they want to take a chance on you, as do I." 

I sit there thinking over what he has just said and from the sound of it this isn't just him offering this amaizing oppurtunity to me but also some very powerful people in his company and that is not something I ever thought would happen. 

"Yes." I smile. 

He smiles back at me. "I will have the HR department write up a contract and get a salary sent over to you." 

"Thank you, and I don't mean that lightly. you have completely changed my life in the last few weeks and I ow that to you." I thank. 

"You did it all yourself Stella. Your hard work and dedication despite being in the worst period of your life is what got you here. I am so proud of you." He smiles taking my hand. 

I stand up and walk the 2 feet over to him and sit on his lap. "You have given me a confidence I have never known before and while I probably could have found it myself It would have taken far longer to get there so you did have some part in it." I say kissing his cheak. 

"I am always going to be here to suport you no matter what. You deserve to have support in all aspects of life and I know that you havent always had that but I am going to give you that no matter what." 

I lay my head on his chest. "Thank you for beleiving in me when I didn't even belease in myself.' I whisper. 

"Of course." He responds. 

His office phone starts ringing. "That migth be HR with your contract. WHy don't you head home I will get there as soon as I can." He suggests. 

I nod my head I am getting very tired. "I will see you at hime." I say. 

"I love you." He smiles. 

"I love you too." He winks. 

My smile stays on my face as I walk out of his office at to the car to go back home for a much needed nap. 

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