Part 2

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Loreens POV

Last night was amazing. I love giving my fans so much joy and happiness when I am on stage, thankful for everyone's support. That one girl tho...she is still stuck in my head. Her eyes, her smile and her little quirkiness...she really is cute. Plus her was something else, something no one of all of my fans did to me. My senses are going crazy when I am with her and I need to keep myself calm and if possible away from her...and on the other hand I am longing to see her again.

„I am going out a little into the forest if that's okay." I tell my manager and only get a nod from him, he knows my secret and knew I need this every now and then, just being a little for myself.
So I leave the hotel, making my way to the nearby forest, my inner wolf needing the freedom a little bit out of this business.

Reader POV

I am currently at the park near my home, just enjoying the warm sun shining on me as I listen to Loreen's music wearing my airpods.

‚This sun is making me tired...I should search for some shade, maybe the trees in the nearby forest could help'

I think to myself before getting up from the bench and made my way to the forest, deciding to take a walk in there, not thinking about any of the possible consequences as I am lost into my favourite idol's voice singing, soon finding myself lost as I look around myself, everything seeming the same.

„Great...where to go now...I just choose this path." I mumble to myself as I just choose a direction, it's still daytime so I am not that scared and just assume I will find a way out of here.

I came to a little lake, seeing a person sitting beside it, it looked like that woman was meditating, making me think if I would try this my inner self would get crazy since I hate staying still.

Getting closer I recognised the woman's hair and she seemed to hear my steps since she immediately turned around to look at me, the same soft brown eyes from yesterday looking at me. Seeing her and at the same time listening to her music made things a little bit weird so I closed my music app and put my AirPods out my ears and into my pocket, still staring at her, wondering if I am dreaming. „Loreen?"

„Yes Darling?" She only answered, taking away my thoughts of it not being reality as I snap out of my thoughts, getting closer to her and sitting down beside her, taking the opportunity.

„What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be already on your way to another city for another concert?" I ask her with a confused look on my face, she looked even stunning by just wearing casual clothes.
„No I have a few days left to rest here plus it's a beautiful place here so why should I not stay? And as you might already know as a fan you must know I love nature so much so this here is perfect."

She explained to me, leaving me a bit speechless. I do know that yes but she is here all alone...making me feel suspicious as well. I mean, we are in the middle of nowhere, I don't even know how to get out of here so how could she know?

„I honestly got lost in here. It is a coincidence that we both met here, please don't think I am a crazy fangirl stalking you." I said, wanting to make sure she knows that I did not follow her but she gave me a knowing smile, signalling me it's okay.

„I know that love. It might be really a coincidence and I am glad the spirits brought us back together. I didn't even ask for your name. May I know it?" She told me, making me blush a little before I told her my name. „I am (Y/N)." I told her and she just nodded. „Beautiful name. Nice to meet you again (Y/N)."

So we ended up talking and telling more about each other for hours, I didn't even care anymore where I am and just enjoyed the time with her. She really is a kind hearted person, the way she talks with someone is just so heartwarming and comfortable, I never had a beautiful conversation like this before. It seemed like she already knew how I felt inside, as if she was sensing my emotions and it made me even more nervous, making Loreen put her hand on my own as she stopped talking for a moment, making me look at her with a questioning expression. „Is something wrong?" I ask her, feeling my heart beat up to my throat, I could feel my own pulse going faster.

„When will you stop being so nervous around me? It's okay. Just be yourself." She answered me, making me blush, not helping me at all. God that woman is older than me I shouldn't have those feelings for her. I got so nervous that I asked her something completely stupid that didn't even fit the situation at all. „How old are you again?" In that moment I just facepalmed myself. That could be very offending and she would probably feel hurt by it anxiety is now playing with me again.

Loreen just smiled at me and shook her head. „That's a secret for now darling." She even chuckled and so did I, with the difference that I am feeling awkward at this moment, getting up as I cleaned my shorts from the dirt. „Ah I know this question seemed offensive I am sorry! I should...go. Please have a nice day!"

I awkwardly ran away from her not even letting her answer, but I don't even know where I was running to...

Loreens POV

And there she went away. All I had from her was a little bit of her scent before it faded away completely.

„(Y/N)... I will remember your name just as I remember your scent my darling." I say with a smile creeping on my face. There is no way I would want to leave her, she got my interest and I won't let go of her that quickly.

I noticed the girl probably didn't know where to run so I decided to search for her, following the light scent that was creeping in the air. There is a huge difference between us...I do have the senses of a wolf, I can take her out of here.

To be continued

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