Miles swiftly donned his mask. "Got it!" he exclaimed, extending his arm as Meg wrapped her legs around his hips. Meg buried her face in his shoulder as he prepared to leap off the rooftop. "I think we should go to my house first and tell my dad everything," he suggested. "Then I'll drop you off at your place."

"Okay," Meg murmured into his suit. Miles jumped off the roof and began to descend at a rapid pace. Meg screamed at the top of her lungs, causing her throat to grow hoarse. Despite the rain pelting her face, she didn't dare look up. When they finally arrived at Miles' Brownstone, Meg was relieved, certain they had narrowly avoided death at least ten times. She helped Miles push open his window and clambered inside his room, with Miles apologizing for pushing her to move faster and accidentally touching her backside in the process.

Meg tiredly laid down on the floor of Miles room and joined her, lying beside her. "We made it. We're home." Miles whispered, giving Meg's hand a reassuring squeeze.

"Miles?" As Miles bedroom door opened, he quickly got up and grabbed his black puffer jacket from his bed. The door opened revealing his mother with a laundry basket.

Rio looked her son who was suspiciously zipping up his jacket then down at the floor where Meg was still laying before she quickly sat up. "Is now a bad time?" Rio asked. "What did you do to your hair? Also, I didn't know Meglita was coming over." She furthered asks while at the same Miles was asking his mother if she was okay causing him either not to hear those questions or dismiss them, but Meg definitely heard and scrunched her face.

Because what do you mean what did he do to his hair?

His hair has been the same since you last saw him.

Miles continued to talk with his mom, feeling overwhelmed by everything he had experienced in the other dimension. He admitted that she was right about everything and that he had seen amazing places and met amazing people with Meg. However, he couldn't shake the feeling that they didn't want him there. He had thought about what his mom had said, and it had fueled him to become stronger, to beat them all. He knew that he was strong because of his parents.

Miles then revealed that something terrible was coming for them, someone named Spot who was his nemesis. He had been lying to his mom about being Spider-Man because he was afraid that she wouldn't love him the same. But now, he was ready to tell her the truth and asked her to promise that nothing would change. She assured him that she would always love him, no matter what.

Miles then revealed that he was Spider-Man and pointed to the symbol on his suit. His mom initially thought he was joking and asked if he dressed up for a comic convention. Miles explained that his dad had worked with Spider-Man and that he wished he was there to explain everything. His mom was still having a hard time processing everything, but Miles was relieved to finally share the truth with her.

If only she would just understand.

While this was all happening, Meg was looking around Miles' room noticing the little things that were different and as Miles and his mom started to get out of the room and talk in the living room. She noticed how little things in his living room were different too.

"I got you to take care of, I got me to take care of." Rio stressed, clearly affected for some reason by Miles repeated mentioning of his dad. "So, help me out."

"Mom, hold on! Hold on! I need to talk--" Miles couldn't even finish his sentence because all of a sudden, he glitched. Meg didn't because she still had her day pass on. As Miles reeling back from glitching, the two shared a look with each other.

They weren't home.

Oh no.

I knew it. We're in the wrong universe.

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