Chapter 2

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Sabre and Blue started walking for a while. So far, they couldn't find any exit. Blue was starting to get a bit worried. Sabre looks down. "I dont know how I can speak." He says. Blue looks at him. "What do you mean?" She asks. Sabre looks at her. "I had my tongue cut out. My speaking is sort of lisped but I don't know how I can speak in general. I couldn't right after it was cut out." He says. Blue's expression changed from nervous to shocked to sad. Even as a robot, she could always look sad. "That's terrible." She says. Sabre sighs. "I guess since we are technically only souls. It shouldn't be that bad." He says. Blue sighs. She rests her head on Sabre's shoulder. Sabre sighs. Blue looks at him. "We'll find a way out of this." She says. Sabre looks down. "I hope." He says.

Sabre and Blue continued to walk around but then a loud noise was heard somewhere. They stopped. "What was that?" Sabre asks. Blue shrugged. "I don't know." She says. Sabre started to walk towards where he heard it. Blue grabbed his arm. "Wait!" She said. Sabre stops. "What is it?" He asks. Blue shook her head. "Are you sure we should go check it out?" She asks. "It could lead to a way out, Blue." Sabre says. Blue sighed. "Alright." She says. They went to go see where the noise came from.

Once they made it to where the noise was, there was a light in the distance. Blue walked over. She looked and saw it was a door. "Sabre!" She shouts. Sabre ran over. "Wait. Could we possibly get out this way?" He asks. Blue nods. "Maybe. Come on." She says. Sabre smiles. Blue opened the door and they walked through. But right when they did, they immediately fell. Sabre gasped. Blue looks at him. She grabs Sabre's arm. They kept falling. "What's going on?!" Sabre exclaims. "Hang on Sabre!" Blue exclaims. After a few moments, they landed. Sabre hit his head and passed out.

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