Chapter 22 - Commnwealth Tour,Universaty + Harry & Meghan

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Mary: Your Royal Highnesses, welcome to Toronto.

Helena: Nice to meet you and thank you for inviting me to Canada.

Trudeau: Canada is and always will be a member of the Commonwealth and also the United Kingdom.

After their conversation, they went to the podium where there were guests such as party leaders from both houses (chamber and senate), commanders of the three Canadian armed forces, the Toronto city council, and the city assembly. Everyone was seated and the Governor General began her speech.

Mary: Your Royal Highness, Welcome to Canada to Toronto. This tour represents the present and future of both the country of Canada-UK relations. It also represents a turning point we have here Princess Helena our future queen. Canadians and Canadian people remember well the first trip of a royal member to Canada starting with Prince Edward future father of Queen Victoria then his successor Edward VII and so many members visited Canada since then. Her Royal Highness in 1951 a year before her father King George VI died they toured the last one as heiress but returned the following year as Queen and Prince Consort and in 2005 her grandson William with his wife Catherine and their daughter the first great-granddaughter of the Queen and Prince Philip made their first tour of Canada. Canada has a long history with the royal family, in the nineteenth century modern Canada was founded by Queen Victoria's father, in the next century we had the visit of the then heir and future Kings Edward VII and Queen Alexandra then with the heir and future George V and Edward VIII and also King George VI, and many royal family members. Thank you.

After the Governor-General finished her speech, it was Prime Minister Justin Trudeu's turn to speak.

Trudeau: People of Canada, Madam Governor General, members of the Canadian government and also Commonwealth Secretary of State James Claverly, members of Toronto City Council and City Assembly please welcome heir Royal Highness Princess Royal Helena. Both Canada and the royal family have a special relationship, this relationship has over two hundred years of history from Prince Edward the father of Queen Victoria to kings Edward VII George V Edward VIII George VI Elizabeth II Prince Charles the late Princess Diana to Princess Royal Anne and many members of the royal family. Our relations are of work union but above all of friendship. So Your Highnesses, welcome to Canada and enjoy your trip through Canada and its provinces. Merci.

After concluding the speech it was Princess Helena's turn to speak.

Helena: Thank you very much Governor General Mary and Prime Minister Trudeau for your speeches. Good morning Toronto good morning Canada!!! Thank you so much for hosting me in this beautiful country of yours. I am especially happy to be here to start the Commonwealth tour, first in Canada. Exactly seventeen years ago my parents the Dukes of Cambridge we did our first tour in Canada. I remember that we were received with affection and love from everyone, so it is my love and friendship that I am here now. As my family members of the royal family have already been described, I can say that we love to be here visiting this country of many languages and religions. But although the history of Canada has a historical past it also has a dark past, for example, the massacre of about 1000 aboriginal inhabitants, also the destruction of their homes, the two world wars where fathers and sons fought in Europe to help not only us Europeans but also the world what it means to have democracy and to have dictatorship. Today we have a population of diverse languages English and French people descendants who speak both languages and their mother tongue for example Portuguese Spanish German Aboriginal. Today we have in Europe where one nation invaded an independent democratic nation and bombed houses, apartments, and land and from the very first moment several nations like Canada stepped in to help this nation that was being attacked. Let me say some famous expressions "Our fathers created on this continent a new nation, conceived in freedom and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.", "In this nation, under the grace of God, will have a rebirth of freedom. And the government of the people, by the people, and for the people will not perish upon the earth." "We all have different talents, but we would all like to have equal opportunities to develop our talents." Merci.

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