The Bite

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A groan was heard from the bed as a hand reached for the alarm clock. After a few fumbles, the hand finally hits the top of the clock, turning it off.

Wayne Russell slowly sat up while rubbing his face, revealing himself to be wearing a pair of shorts and a Brooklyn shirt. He looked around his bedroom, which contained a single bed, a closet, and a desk, which contained a lot of electronic parts as well as a multimeter, an electric soldering iron, and a 2-monitor computer.

Wayne got out of bed and went to the bathroom to brush his teeth and freshen up. Once he did, he got out and placed a suitcase on his bed. He put in his spare uniform, several sets of underwear, shorts, and T-shirts. He then grabbed his backpack and placed his books, school supplies, and laptop in it. He then put on his Brooklyn Visions Academy uniform before exiting his bedroom.

???: Morning, kid.

Wayne: Morning, Uncle Aiden.

Wayne: Morning, Uncle Aiden

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Voiced by: Nathan Fillion

Wayne walked into the dining room and saw his uncle on the table drinking his coffee while reading the Daily Bugle.

Aiden: I made breakfast for you. It's in the microwave.

Wayne: Thanks.

He walked over to the microwave and opened it, revealing a plate of bacon and eggs. He took a whiff of the plate.

Wayne: It smells good.

Aiden: (chuckles) I know it does.

Wayne shakes his head while smirking as he took the plate and put it on the dining table. He grabbed a fork and knife and then began to eat.

Wayne: What's the Bugle saying now?

Aiden: Same old junk about Spider-Man being a menace.

Wayne glances at the front page of the newspaper and reads the headline.


The picture showed a picture of Spider-Man carrying a woman out of a burning building.

Wayne: (rolls his eyes) Figures.

Aiden: You'd think Jameson just enjoys slandering Spider-Man for kicks. If anyone needs slandering, it's Wilson Fisk. I mean, he's promising to protect the city for years, and yet nothing's happening. And all those trafficking rings that's been discovered? He's gotta be connected to them somehow.

Wayne: I don't think taking a shot at Fisk in the Bulletin is a good idea.

Aiden: I'd like to see him try. A New York Bulletin reporter getting assaulted just as an article slandering Fisk gets published? Wouldn't be a good look for him.

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