"What's it to you?" he asked, curiously, "You're only in this for the money. Her plan succeeds, you get your share, and your off."

"It's everything to me," Toomes growled as his teeth ground together, "And I'm not just in this for the money. It's so much more than that."

Miles paused for a minute, taking in the man's tense stance, fiery eyes, and clenched jaw, when it finally clicked.


Toomes hands clenched into tight fists, "What is it now?"

Miles shook his head rapidly, "You can't be serious, man."

Adrian scowls, "What?"

"You have a thing for Doc Oc."

Miles cast Gwen a glance as she sucked in a harsh breath. "He what?" she breathed, shock lining her voice.

Adrian smirked at Gwen's reaction and Miles lifted a brow in confusion. He then folded his arms over his chest, "That's Miss Octavius to you."

Miles rolled his eyes, "Whatever, man. You need to have your head examined if you find a person dressed like metal calamari with a hornets nest for hair attractive."

The Vulture struck the boy again and Miles felt his head jerk from the impact and blood spewed from his mouth. He landed flat on his stomach and his nostrils burned from the ínstense scent of iron.

"Stop," Gwen whispered. Her voice lacked its usual fire. It sounded weak... frail.

Something had to be wrong.

"Adrian!" a voice sounded, though Miles could barely see through his blurred vision. He lifted his head to see a set of four metal tentacles in the distance.

"I said, 'Alive'."

"Oh great. She's back..."

"My apologies," Adrian said, his features instantly softening.

"Like the suck up he is."

"Are the preparations ready?" the man asked, folding his hands behind his back. He titled his head up a bit and Miles could see his adam's apple bop as he gulped.

"This is just sad."

"We're about ninety-five percent there. It will be complete in mere moments," she smiled toothily, "Bring the boy." With that she turned her back as her metal arms lifted her from the ground and her body began to glide toward the exit.

Miles could feel his body being lifted from the ground, but he didn't have the energy to fight back. The pounding of his head and the throbbing in his leg formed a concoction that made his mind go numb to everything else. He couldn't think. He couldn't hear. He could barely breath over his ragged panting.

"As you wish," Adrain answered, "What should I do with the girl?"

That caught Miles's attention. His head instantly shot up to see the doctor's reaction.

A pit formed in his stomach as she cast him a sickening, sadistic smile. "We have no more use for her. Get rid of her."

Miles's body was on fire. His teeth were clench so hard it hurt. Nobody would hurt Gwen.

The boy let out an enraged scream as electricity surged out from his body. The pair of arms that held him in place slipped away.

The young hero heard the sizzling of the sparks as well as the sound of glass repeatedly shattering. A heat rose up in his body that he'd never felt before and felt as if it could incinerate everything in its path.

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