Chapter 2: Family Time

Start from the beginning

Cassie: I think what grandpa is referring to is when you stole his suit to fight against Captain America.

Hank: Bingo.

Scott: I didn't fight against Captain America. I fought with Captain America.

Hope: Then when we found out about it, we were pissed. So we just wanted to let you down in an easy way.

Scott: Just wish you would have told me earlier. I just can't believe you were all okay with keeping secrets from me.

Janet: I wasn't.

Scott: Well glad to see someone on my side. Up top Janet!

*Scott raised his hand to give Janet a high five and she happily obliged to it.*

Hope: Mom what do mean?

Janet: I'm saying how it was wrong for us to keep secrets from Scott. Cassie is his daughter. Therefore we should have told him and not have Scott to figure it out himself. Also stealing? Just, because Scott does it doesn't mean that we should be okay with Cassie doing it. He has every reason to be upset with her.

Scott: Thank you!

Cassie: Dad... I-I-I just wanted to say...

Hope: No hold up Cassie. Keeping secrets? Mom you haven't told me or Dad anything about the quantum realm. You shouldn't call out Cassie for keeping secrets when you've done the same thing!

Han: Hope.

Jane: My reason for keeping secrets is different than her reason. She kept secrets from her father for no good reason! She's done this for 7 years!!! Don't forget she stole Pym Particles from her Dad and we don't know what could happen to a person who uses them without a suit!

Hope: And you had a good reason for keeping secrets!? You spent 30 years in the quantum realm! She was just a kid and she didn't know!

Scott: Wait, what do you mean by that? What happens to someone who uses Pym Particles without a suit!?!

Janet: I don't know! No one has ever done this before.

Scott: So Cassie, anything else going on with you?!

Cassie: I don't know.

Scott: What do you mean you don't know?! You should know since you've been using this stuff. You could be dying for all we know!

Cassie: But I'm here now.

Janet: We don't know if you're okay or not!


Hank: Guys let's calm down and have a nice family dinner.

Janet: You know what Henry. I lost my appetite!

*Janet gets off her chair and storms out of the room.*

Hank: Janet.

*Hank follows his wife.*

Cassie: Dad. I'm sorry that I...

Scott: Cassie... Just go.

Cassie: But Dad I'm...

Scott: *Shouting* JUST GO!

*Cassie somberly gets up and walks away.*

Hope: Scott. We're sorry for not telling you this sooner and keeping this secret from you.

Scott: I know. I'm just.... I'm worried. Nowadays kids are getting in trouble with the government and cops. I'm just worried that Cassie may be next. I just don't want that for my daughter. I already lost so much time with her. I don't want to lose anymore.

Hope: You know. Cassie wanted to tell you. My Mom told her to tell you, but me and Dad like we said before our experience with you. Decided to keep it a secret. Her mom was absolutely furious with her.

Scott,: Heh that explains why Peggy has been punishing her so much.

*Hope grows a smirk on her face and chuckles*.

Hope: But I know where you're coming from. I just wish... *Starts tearing up* I just wish I got to know my Mom better. I haven't seen her for 30 years and I just wish I could learn more about her. Who she was, what she's hiding, and why.

*Scott puts his hand on Hope's hand.*

Scott: It's ok. What can we do now?

Hope: I guess just enjoy the time we have now.

Scott: Yeah I guess, but how much time do we have left?

*Hope doesn't respond and two walk over to hug each other.*

And that's the end of chapter 2! Hope you enjoyed it! Happy father's day. If you're watching this in the future this was written on father's day. I might update the story so if there are any changes that's why.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2023 ⏰

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