Akane Kurokawa

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Warning!!: This chapter will have Cyberbullying and suicidal thoughts/ attempt.

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“Cut! We’re stopping filming for now.”

The Film crew quickly ran to Yuki’s side as Akane and Yuki stood there, shocked by what just happened. “A towel, get a towel! And some tissues too. Hurry!” One of the crew members yells as one of the female employees placed a cloth on Yuki’s cut. Akane just stands there, tuning in on people’s whispers.

“How could she do that to the face of a model? Anyway, let’s put filming on hold for now.”

“Doesn’t she have a magazine shoot tomorrow?”


"C'mon now, for goodness' sake."

The blue-haired girl covers her mouth, her stomach twisting and turning. Uncomfortable and a gut wrenching feeling making it harder for her to even hear someone call out her name.

"I-I… didn't mean to…"


"I-" "Akane!"

Suddenly, Akane was pulled back to reality as Yuki runs towards her and wraps her arms around her with a warm embrace. "I'm alright, so just calm down." Yuki reassures.

"I get it. You got flustered. I know you're a hard worker." Yuki then pulls away as she stares at Akane with a smile. "You wanted to live up to everyone's expectations and tried to do something you're not good at. You lost track of what you were doing, right?"

Akane just slightly looks down as she lets out a small sniffle. "I'm sorry. Your face… And you have a magazine shoot…" Akane mumbled but Yuki just got closer and brushed some hair out of her face, continuing to smile at her.

"It's alright. They can fix this kind of thing easily in Photoshop." Yuki winks before she looks away, but then glances back at Akane. "Do you hate me, Akane?"

In response, Akane quickly shakes her head as tears are at the edges of her eyes. "I don't hate you. You're strong, kind… I like you." Akane replied.

"I like you too- you're a hard worker who tries her very best. So, I'm not mad, okay?" Yuki said. "Really?" Akane asked. "They're not filming right now, so there'd be no point in acting, right?"

Akane smiles at Yuki's response as they hug once more. Meanwhile the rest of the cast watched, happy that everything had finally been settled with me.

But two people were a little skeptical about everything, not about Akane or Yuki. Rather the audience.

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