─ 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧.

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"I'm getting out of this bed. It's even more uncomfortable than your mattress and that thing was hard. Like a rock or something. And don't give me that look. When have I ever followed the words of others? Especially authority figures...or nurses. I say—ow, shit—I say fuck what she says."

"She's actually a dude."

Eddie retorted at Magdalena's assumption about the nurse, but the brunette rolled her green eyes and continued to struggle with standing. Eddie didn't want to encourage the girl with attempting to check out of the hospital early, but he wouldn't be able to stop her regardless. Magdalena May was too strong-willed. That was her dominant trait.

So, rather than sit around and watch the brunette attempt to stand on her wobbly legs, Eddie got up from the bed and held his hand out for Magdalena, not failing to miss her rosy cheeks and glimmer in her eyes. Exhaling a choppy breath, Magdalena shifted half of her body weight onto Eddie and whimpered softly even though another person was assisting her. Even moving just an inch was pure torture and Magdalena was willingly putting herself through that. Every bone and muscle in her body was aching and yet, Magdalena felt the persisting urge to leave.

"Yeah? Well, fuck him then. Holy shit, my body is on fire! Dimension jumping totally destroyed me. Or maybe it was all that spellcasting that ruined me. But I don't really care. We're getting out of here."

Magdalena declared while her hypnotic gemstone eyes gazed right into Eddie's soul. Magdalena's eyes were slightly bloodshot, but the guy felt his heart thump. Each time she stared at him with that look, Eddie's body had the same reaction. A chill went up his spine and all of his thoughts turned to mush or were replaced by mental Polaroids of Magdalena May. Never had any girl in his life made Eddie feel such intense desires just by glancing at him. Magdalena was truly not like any other girl walking around Hawkins. She had never been. That's why the majority of citizens pushed her aside and declared her as some eldritch teenager. But the physical and emotional control a witchy brunette had over Eddie Munson was a true force to behold.

He was under her spell unapologetically.


The antagonizing itch on her thighs was evident with each step she took due to the awful material of the white pajamas the hospital staff decided to give Magdalena after the brunette was seen wandering the halls in her blue hospital gown with Eddie in search of her father. Many nurses tried to reason with the girl, attempting to persuade her to get back into her bed and continue to rest, but Magdalena's spine-tingling glares were enough to silence all of them. Soon enough they all gave up and Magdalena was reunited with her dad after having said goodbye to Eddie with one final kiss until tomorrow morning. The rise of the sun would bring new opportunities which would happen far away from Hawkins.

Magdalena was already buzzing about all of that upcoming nuance which would certainly take both her and Eddie's minds off all the crazy things they had to push through together. But right now, even though her town was going through an apocalyptic disaster—as stated by her father—Magdalena had never felt so safe beside the only parent in her life who stuck around for nineteen years. The brunette's dry, frigid hand wrapped around her dad's upper arm securely as the older man guided his daughter with basic movement. Steadily, the father-daughter duo trudged through the halls of the hospital, eager to reach the check-in desk so Magdalena could get discharged early.

Through all that walking, the girl had plenty of time to learn about all the tragedies which were plaguing Hawkins. Magdalena was truly scared for her dad and how he wouldn't be leaving. Marion May made that abundantly clear. The brunette understood that as an adult man, he could make his own choices, but that didn't mean she had to like those choices. As the smacking of her bare feet against the cold tile continued with each step, Magdalena felt like she would most certainly go insane if she didn't confess the emotional buildup. Much like how she did with Eddie a few hours earlier, the girl blurted it out without even bothering to slow down.

𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐂𝐇𝐘 𝐖𝐎𝐌𝐀𝐍 彡 [e. munson] [✔]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя