Chapter 2

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I slung the strap of my bag on my shoulder and make my way into London High, my school. Three more minutes are left for the classes to start. Students are scattered everywhere, some walking, some by their lockers and others standing in groups, laughing with their friends.

"Hey, Sandra!"

I turned around to find Ella running towards me. Her blonde hair is styled in a french braid today. She is wearing a cute top with some initials printed on it.

"Hey, Ella." I greeted her and tried to smile back.

"Sandra, I am so happy! Mum and I went for shopping last night and she bought me three dresses and some new clothes! She said she just wanted to spend some time with her daughter."

"That's great!" I said, trying to sound happy but I think Ella noticed my upset mood.

"Hey, is everything alright?" She asked in a serious tone laced with concern. I sigh and look at my feet for a second before answering her sarcastically, "Isn't it always?"

"Sandr-" She was cut by the sound of the bell that echoed in the corridor, indicating it's the start of the day. People started to head in their classes, emptying the place.

"Look I'll tell you later at lunch, okay?" I told Ella, who nodded, before walking towards my class.


I shut my locker door and walk towards the cafeteria. As I enter the door, the aroma of food fills in my nostrils, earning a growl from my stomach. I didn't eat last night; just slept after the conversation with dad, woke up at 9:00 pm, did my homework and then slept again.

I buy my food and carry the tray in my hands as I walk towards Ella and I'm usual table. She is already seated there, with a french fry in hand, halfway in her mouth as she looks at the screen of her phone. I put the tray on the table and sit down with a sigh. Ella notices my presence and puts her phone down, biting the fry as she examines me.

"What?" I asked her.

"What 'what'?" She continues to stare at my face, like an inspector studies the person he is interrogating.

"Why are you looking at me like that, Ella?" I touch my face and ask, "Is there something on my face? Or do I look horrible?"

Ella chuckles. "No, it's not that. You look fine. You were supposed to tell me something, right? I bet it's the reason behind the your mood today."

"Oh yeah. Well, my life is getting worse, Ella. Aunt Marie and Tiana are going to live with us now." I told her while unwrapping my burger. I take a bite of it and glance over at Ella. Her eyes are wide and her mouth hanging.

"What? OMG! Sandra, why?"

So I tell her everything. She comforts me and tells me everything is going to be fine. I just nod. My eyes accidentally fell on a couple kissing at the table across from us. It was not long before I recognised that girl. Tiana. I felt disgusted and looked away.

Let's just hope for the best and expect the worst.

The bell ringed soon and I'm seated in Literature class right now. Half of the time passed by quick. And now that I wish it to pass by quick, it's dead slow. Why? Let me tell you. The teacher forced Harry Styles, one of the popular and the wanted guy, to sit beside me. He was continuously flirting with the girls and the teacher got annoyed, so he fixed Harry's seat with me, permanently. Now, he is really annoying me.

"So, what's up, beautiful?"

"Well, in case you haven't noticed, I am trying to pay attention in the class." I replied him bitterly, glaring at him.

"O come on. Don't talk nerd. What's your name?"

"If I tell you, will you be quiet?"

"We'll see."

I sigh and look at the board before answering, "Sandra." He opened his mouth but I spoke first, "No. Just shut your mouth up, okay?" I watch his amused expression and continue, "You know what? Let's play truth or dare. What do you choose?"

"Dare." He said with a smirk, sounding so confident.

"Alright. Let me think." I put my thumb and finger under my chin and look up, pretending to think. I widened my eyes and look at him, "Oh, I got it. I know what to dare you." His eyebrow shots up, indicating me to continue. "I dare you to shut that annoying mouth of yours till the bell rings. And if you are not able to do this dare, you'll be a big loser, got it?"

He smirks and nods. I think I found the peace and now I can continue to pay attention to the discussion. Not even a single minute later, Harry starts to pass me small pieces of paper.

Oh God.


Hey thanks for reading this.
Vote if u like the story so far and do comment to let me know what you think :)

-- Misha

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