Todd was Right {12}

Start from the beginning

"I- uh, I'm sorry but I can't show you." Sal stepped back out of reflex, stumbling over his words.

"That's okay. Hey, why do you wear that mask all the time, anyways?"

Sal paused, before responding, "I was in accident with a dog when I was a kid, and it's a prosthetic, not a mask."

"I'm sorry, so, you just don't have a face anymore?"

"That's not what I said, let's just get going." Sal quickly changed the subject, and the two began the short walk to the Addison Apartments. There was deafening silence for the first portion of the walk, but shockingly, Travis was the first to speak.

"I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable Sally Fa- Sal." He corrected himself. "I've never been good at talking, or making friends, or anything with people, really. I won't ask again, I'm trying to get better, for you." He admired Travis's development, but his last sentence made Sal's heart jump. The redness immediately returned to his cheeks, what did Travis mean when he said "for you"?

"Sal?" Travis wanted him to respond.

"Ah- uh, yeah. I-uhm, heh" He stopped talking and cleared his throat, extremely embarrassed, "Thanks, Travis! It means a lot to me, what did you mean by that?"

"Mean by what?"

"That you're trying to get better for me?" He placed heavy emphasis on the last two words.

Travis didn't respond for a few seconds, "What do you think it means?" He was clearly nervous, his voice shaking. Sal remained silent for the remainder of the walk, which was only a few more seconds, as they were almost at the front doors.

        Sal held the door open for Travis, "Do you want to stay for dinner? My dad's working late again."

"Uhh, sure." Sal closed the door and followed Travis to his room. Travis sat on the edge of his bed, looking around for the math work Sal promised. 

"Travis, I have to admit something, I lied to you. I don't have math stuff, but that was the only way I could get you to come over!"

"What if my father finds out?"

"He won't, there's one more thing. I know you don't like to talk about it, and I respect that, but I'm going to help you. I know your dad hit you, and I doubt that you properly cleaned the wounds, so I need you to tell me where he hurt you."

Travis swallowed hard, uncomfortably scratching Sal's blankets.

"On my face, chest and stomach." He was talking so quietly it was almost inaudible, 

"I have some bandages and stuff, I've got to go get it, though, can you please take off your shirt? I'll be right back."

Sal returned to the room, to see that Travis had obliged. The damages to his torso were significantly worse than his face, he pulled his desk chair towards his bed and took out some rubbing alcohol. He dabbed it on a cloth and pushed it towards Travis. 

"Can I touch you?"

"Uhm, yeah, I guess." Travis's face was flushed at how close together they were. Sal took notice to this, and mentally added it to the list of possible signs that Travis liked him in the same way.

        Travis buttoned his shirt back up, thanking Sal for the first aid. He simply smiled back and got to his feet. Sal walked across the room and grabbed the super gear boy, "I want to show you something really cool." Travis stood as well, as Sal leaded him to the elevator in the hall. He clicked the button labelled 5, excitement was almost radiating off of him. The elevator stopped, and Sal rushed out, running to one of the rooms and unlocking it. The disheveled area surprised Travis, though he didn't mention anything. Sal opened the door, ushering Travis inside. They walked into a musty smelling bathroom,  Sal clicked a button on the gameboy, green light started flashing from it.    

"Sal, what is that? What are you doi-" 

"Just watch!"

The lights started to flicker, a faint screaming sound reverberated against the grimmey walls. A figure appeared, it was a human, but it had no skin. It was a body built up of tendons and muscles. Travis fell back in shock, yelling out a string of curse words. As quickly as it started, it ended. The screaming faded, the lights returned to normal, but a young girl stood in place of the flesh monster. Her skin tone was sickly, veins bulged out of her neck, deep red eyebags incased her unseeing eyes. 

"Hi, Sally face!"

"Hi, Megan! This is my friend, Travis." Sal responded cheerfully, turning to help Travis to his feet.

"Hi, Travis! It's nice to meet you."

"Yeah, yeah, it's nice to meet you too, I think?"

"Haha, you're funny! You should see what your face looks like right now! Uh oh, I have to go, bye Sally, bye Travis! I hope I see you again, Trav!" her exit was just as dramatic as before.

"Trav?" Travis repeated, questioningly

"So, what'd ya think of that, Travis?" Sal laughed, ignoring his question. Travis just shook his head.

"Let's get out of here." Sal grabbed Travis's hand and pulled him out of the room, hoping he wouldn't mind too much. 

Word count: 1380


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