Chapter 1

8 1 4

Liamond's POV

Everything that's good comes to an end.

Such as my sleep.

And waking up wouldn't even be half as bad, if not the fact that today's the first day of school. And technically, I'm already late. School starts in half an hour, and it takes exactly half an hour to get there on foot.

"You might want to hurry, loser." my dearest sister, Danah, shouted. "Wouldn't want to be late for the first day of year 13, would you?"

"Shut up." I said, quite groggily. I was too sleep deprived to deal with her.

I got ready rather quickly, and instead of my usual hour-long shower I took a 15- minute one. I actually skipped breakfast (I never do)- thank God mum was driving my little brother to school, or she would've had a fit. Packing my bag, I slipped on my flip-flops (I calculated I couldn't afford to waste my time on putting on my Dr. Martens, and that I would put them on at school), and not bothering to tie my tie properly, I set off to school.

I knew I would be a panting mess, but I would rather be that than face the wrath of my strict mum after school, so I ran. I'm pretty sure some books fell out of my half-zipped bag, but at this point I didn't care. My dark hair stuck to my lip gloss, which I still managed to apply despite the lack of time (priorities!).

After what felt like hours (in reality it was just 8 minutes, yes, I checked), I arrived at my school, somehow not late. I tried to ignore the weird looks of my classmates and the judgement of the younger teens, when I marched through the grass in only my flip-flops, getting my tights wet, looking for my besties. Mumbling a few hello's and hi's, I finally found them.

"Yooo bitches!" I yelled to get their attention. Soon enough, Lizzy ran towards me and tackled me onto the grass, which, might I add, was still wet, and engulfed me in what she called a hug, earning us a lot more glances. My other friend, Andrea, stood awkwardly next to us. She was never one for attention, and often felt embarrassed, especially in situations like this. Once me and Lizzy scrambled up to our feet, I greeted Andrea, hugging her. I realized that it was her I was hugging, so I let her go as she was never one for hugs.

"So how was your Summer, Andrea?" I asked her.

I may or may have not felt slightly bad, because while me and Lizzy hung out every day, I didn't spend any time with Andrea at all. Which was wrong, and I was worried that she would feel left out. After all, they say there's always a duo in a trio friendship. I didn't want, especially after being the third/fourth/fifth wheel in primary.

"Not bad. I visited my friends in Australia and then stayed in the US with my family for the rest of the Summer." Andrea said.

That lessened my worries, knowing as she wasn't available anyway. 

Suddenly, I heard an annoying voice that I hated.

"Hey girls! How wasyour Summer!"

Elias King. My sworn enemy ever since he moved here last year. The only person ever, in the whole town, that beat me in a maths test. I remember getting 95%, while he got 98. So humiliating!

"Great, because didn't have to see your ugly face."

"Aww, that's so sad! I'm truly wounded! Remember, we're getting our History test results today!"

Of course he would remember. His parents were two of the best lawyers in England. Elias always got A's in English and History. The fact he got them so effortlessly, too! His fotographic memory helped him out way too much. And he wasn't humble about it either. 

"That's great!" I said, trying to put on a confident facade. "Did you check your biology test results though? Apparently most of the class got around 40%."

"Yes, I got 98%." Elias announced, positive he beat me.

I smiled in victory. 

"Oh, too bad I got 100. Bye Elias." I smiled at him sweetly. Kill them with kindness, they say.

And with that, I turned on my heel, feeling like I was in Mean Girls, my besties beside me. I actually forgot that I was still in flip-flops though, and landed hard on my butt, twisting my ankle in a painful way. Horrified, I tried to stand up, with an emphasis on "tried". I ended up falling again. Andrea disappeared somewhere, and Lizzy tried to get me to stand, pulling me up. Fate was cruel, and she tripped herself and landed face first before a very much shocked Kai, Elias' brother. 

"You know you could've just said you where falling for me." Kai said to Elizabeth. 

Lizzy turned fazed and I realized that she may have a crush on him. I was so dumb to not have thought of it before. Kai helped her up, and took her to class. Traitor.

Here I was trying to stand up. I felt like an old granny that tripped over her own stick. THIS IS NOT THE TIME, LIAMOND. GET UP. I struggled under Elias' amused, smug face and I realized he was recording all of this.

"Get a grip Elias. Why on earth are you recording me!" I exclaimed frustrated.

Finally, he helped me get up. His hands were quite smooth, probably all those expensive creams his parents can afford. 

"Awww, sweetheart, why wouldn't I want to make a video of your pretty, red face? Insecure much, huh?"

So he thinks I'm pretty. Shut up inner voice. I don't care what he thinks of me.

I walked away when I realized that I'm late to my first class. DESPITE ALL THAT EFFORT!

How am I going to explain this to mum? Mum loves Elias, so I can't blame it on him.

Stupid Elias.

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Jun 09, 2023 ⏰

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