A trip from the school

Start from the beginning

Nobita: Yes, see you tomorrow at school.

Amili : Acha toh ab me bhi chalti hoon, meet you in school tomorrow
Roselia : amili i wanted to ask you something what were you doing with nobita

Amili : I didn't do anything with Nobita

Roselia : i will come straight to the point do you like nobita

Hearing all this, amili 's face turns red, she cannot speak.
Roselia: Look, if that's the case, you'll have to compete with me to get it, and if you lose, you know what will happen.

Nobita and I got married

Amili gets angry after hearing all this.

Amili : nobita is mine and i will not let him be yours

Roselia : so i challenge you to snatch him  from me

Amili : i accept the challenge

Roselia : ok then bye bye amili

Next day in school ,

Nobita reaches late in classroom

Teacher and all the students already come in classroom

Nobita quickly sits on his seat

Teacher : Attention all children your mid term exams are coming but before that next day  we are going on a trip to 2 countries which is near the sea.
And we will stay in a 5 star hotel, so the children who want to go can write their names to me.

Nobita : ( in mind) hey that's so cool but it reminds me of the days when Suno didn't take me he only took Jyan and Shizuka
Don't know what those people are doing now, they must be remembering me or maybe they have forgotten me.

Dekisugi Shizuka must have become very good friends
Now I should forget about Shizuka she must have forgotten me by now she must have made a lot of new friends

Then Nobita hears the voice of Emily who was sitting in front of him.

Amili : won't you submit your name to the teacher for the trip

Nobita : I forgot it, I go now

After school

Nobita and his friends ( amili , roselia , Ken, bill )

Nobita : the trip is tomorrow i have to go home to get my clothes ready

Ken : yes me too

Amili , roselia : And let us go shopping too
All friends say bye to each other and go for their preparation.
Emily Rosalie finishes her shopping and heads home
Roselia : I'm going to Nobita's house to show him  my swimsuit

Amili : do you know his house

Roselia : yes i followed him once then i came to know

Amili : how is his house

Roselia: you go and see for yourself

Amili She is surprised to see Nobita's house, it was very big.

Rosalie rings the doorbell at Nobita's house.
Nobita mom comes and open the door

She both says good evening to Nobita's mother and asks about Nobita.

Nobita mom : good evening beta nobita is in his room

Then they both go to Nobita's room which is on the 2nd floor.

She opens Nobita's door and sees that Nobita was preparing his bag.

Nobita : hey how are you two here

Roselia : Nothing I just came to show you my swimsuit

Nobita : what are you talking about rosalie

Roselia : shut up and tell me will it look good on me

Rosalie asks Nobita showing her swimsuit

Nobita : these things are a bit strange but it will look good on you

Roselia : i'm so glad you liked it

Nobita : by the way emily why did you come

Amili : I also came to show you my swimsuit

Nobita : you too amili
Then amili starts showing off her swimsuit.

Nobita : hey that would look great on you

Then Nobita's mother comes with her juice and cake.

But before Nobita's mother sees all this, Nobita puts on the swimsuit himself and hides it under his chest.

Nobita's mother puts the juice and cake there and tells Nobita to sit properly.
Nobita : oh no mom we're playing a game
Nobita mom : oh that's it sorry for the trouble

Nobita ki mom bahar chali jati hai

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