He Protected Me?

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Chapter One

Harry Potter's POV

It's been a year since Hermione presented as an Alpha, six months since Ron presented as an Alpha and three months since I presented as... an Omega. It hasn't been as bad as people would assume. I mean, catching the attention of people for the first two months with my pheromones since I wasn't able to control them was hell, but with help of my best friends, I was able to get them in control in no time.

I've had my monthly heats and must I say... they are one of the worst things I've experienced, I mean, besides for when I've had to face Voldemort, but that's besides the point. But it was now a week into our sixth year and it wasn't hard to notice just how protective Ron and Hermione have been acting.

Each time they'd smell another Alpha around or seen one, I would be under their arms in a second. I would always push them away, because I don't know why they forgot but I am very capable of defending myself. I mean, I've been doing it for years. But I'd always feel bad and give in to their hurt expressions. Sometimes, it felt as if they cared more about me than each other, despite them being mates.

But, I shrugged off the thought. Surprisingly, classes have not been too bad, especially after finding a book that helped me through my first week of potions and DADA. I have no idea who it really belonged to, as I, did not know who the 'Half-Blood Prince' was. But, I digress.

I was walking to the Great Hall, going to meet up with Hermione and Ron, but that was until I felt a stinging, tight feeling in my lower stomach. I cringed, but kept going. I noticed a few people starting at me, but shrugged it off. I thought nothing of it.

Then, it began to grow hot. That was when it hit me. How come my heat was here? I didn't go through my pre-heat symptoms or anything. This was totally out of the blue. I frantically looked around before entering the bathroom. My eyes widened upon seeing a certain person who was splashing his face with water.

It was, Draco Malfoy.

I planned on staying quiet and leaving the bathroom until I subconsciously let out a whimper and suddenly my legs collapsed under me. I clenched my stomach, in pain.

Draco Malfoy's POV

I was splashing my face with water in the bathroom. Just to make it not obvious that I was crying... yes, an Alpha, crying. How pathetic, right? My family has been wanting my to take on more responsibility, and it has been stressing me out.

Not only did they do it, but The Dark Lord as well. He planned on giving me the Dark Mark and I had no clue what to do. I didn't want it of course, I didn't even want to be serving him, but I was being forced to. The ceremony was to be within a months of time and there was nothing I could do about it.

I splashed my face one more time and grabbed a towel to dry it off. I was about to turn to leave the bathroom until I heard what was like a whimper behind me and smelt something that was... minty...? I quickly turned around to see none other than, Harry Potter.

I felt myself become dizzy as I smelt the pheromones, I couldn't control myself as I walked over to him and quickly took him into my arms. I was trying my best to hold back. But the smell of the omega was too much. I felt my mouth opening on its own, my face leaning in towards Potter's scent glands. I was about to bite until I was able to move my arm up to my mouth and I bit upon it instead.

I could feel Potter shaking in my arms, letting out whimpers and the only thing I could think in my head was how much I wanted to protect and mate him. The sound of running could be heard until I heard the sound of people talking and another scent of another Alpha and Beta(but it was faint) filled my nose.

I looked up and glared at the two people. I recognized them as Snape and Madam Pomfrey. Though I knew, my instincts did not and I let out a growl as I held Potter closer to me.

"Oh, dear boys. Let's get them to the infirmary, quick." The beta spoke, which was Pomfrey. I glared at her and the Alpha, which was Snape. I was especially not planning on giving either of them Potter, rather them having their own mates or not(which they did).

The beta walked up to us, I moved back, keeping a protective hold on the omega in my arms. "Now, Draco. Please hand over Mr. Potter. He needs our help." I shake my head as I felt my teeth sink further into my arm, but I couldn't feel the pain as I was too focused on keeping them away.

"We do not wish to take your Omega from you, we just wish to help both of you." I once more, denied her request. I watched them closely as they conversed. Snape then pulled out his wand and cast a spell. Then I felt myself lose consciousness, or... whatever was left of it.

An hour later within the infirmary

Harry Potter's POV

I woke up within a daze. I looked around, raising a hand to feel a rag on my forehead. I had seen Ron and Hermione at the edge of the bed in what I assumed to be the infirmary, talking.

"Erm... guys?" I called out. They both looked over to me instantly. "Harry! You're awake! What happened?" Hermione questioned, her face formed with worry. "Yeah, we were so worried to learn that you randomly went into heat!"

Then all memories filled my head... the memories of me collapsing and then... Draco holding himself back and still protecting me. I hadn't expected him to do such a thing... I couldn't help myself but to wonder why he went through such lengths to protect me.

"Wait a minute! Why is there blood on your neck, you weren't bitten were you?!" Ron asked with worry. I shook my head. That was when Madam Pomfrey walked in. "No, he was not. That blood in fact it is not his, it belongs to Draco Malfoy."

That made their eyes widen with shocks. "Malfoy's blood? What does she mean by that, Harry?" Hermione asked as she sat down next to the bed, taking my hand. My face went red with a bit of embarrassment and I felt myself grow a bit awkward.

"Well... when I went into heat in the bathroom, Draco had held me... he grew... protective? I don't really know. But in the end, he was able to stop himself from biting me by biting his own arm." That indeed, still shocked the two of them.

"That's... probably the kindest thing he has ever done for you, Harry. But besides that, we will leave you be. Please get some rest before your next wave hits. We will see you next week, okay?" Hermione spoke, I nodded before she took Ron's hand and left.

I am very lucky to have them as friends...

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