1. The Past

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A festival, bright lanterns decorate the night sky and the harbour is bustling with people from all around. Yet a pair seems to be content with sitting on the outskirts of the ever so busy city.

"I don't remember the last time I saw the harbour so crowded. Seems kinda fun down there." A bard said lightly.

"Barbatos...I know you want to enjoy the Lantern Rite just as everyone else is. No need to stay here and miss out." His companion replied with a sigh.

He waited a moment, silence. Then he got up to leave for the Wangshu Inn, a hand stopping him. Looking back, he sees his beloved bard wearing a smile on his face.

"Alatus...I'd be lying if I said I didn't wanna be down there." Alatus opened his mouth to respond, the wind messing his hair to quiet him. "I'm not done! I wanted to say that I'd rather spend the Lantern Rite with you, away from the crowd or in it.  Wherever we are together I'm happiest." He tugged lightly on his partner's arm, the adeptus quietly sitting back down next to him.

They sat in silence watching the lanterns fly brilliantly over the harbour, craving to stay that way forever but not saying a word. Eventually they stood, walking hand in hand to Wangshu Inn, careful to not be spotted.

Once they arrived they greeted the owner and his wife before climbing the stairs. Stopping just shy of the bard's door they stood, eye to eye.

"Stay with me for the night, please." Said Barbatos.

"I...I can't, I'm sorry..." Alatus replied, averting his gaze.

"Xiao, please...it's my last night in Liyue. Just this once then you can do as you please the next time I'm here." He quietly begged.

The adeptus paused, looking around the area before meeting his lover's eyes once more, his shoulders relaxing as he let out a sigh. "Fine...if that is what you really want, I'll stay."

Barbatos' face lit up at his words, a soft smile finally settling. "I-...thank you!" He said as quietly as he could muster in his excitement.

He finally turned to opened the door, stepping aside to let the yaksha pass him.

Xiao entered the room, taking the seat in the corner of the room nervously. "I'll stay here..." he muttered.

"No, no! That simply won't do!" the bard exaggerated. "The bed would be much better suited, I'd get so cold and lonely having it all to myself while you sit in a chair so far away!"

At that Xiao cracked a small smile, relaxing slightly and shaking his head. "No, it's alright. I doubt I could sleep anyways. Go ahead, I won't leave...I promise."

Barbatos huffed and continued to pester his love until he eventually conceded, the two ending up snuggled closely together.

In the morning, the bard woke up, greeted his companion and made his way downstairs to pay and depart. Once done, he paused. "Xiao, I kinda wanna see the harbour one last time. Now, to see the festival during the day."

Xiao nodded and grabbed his waist before the two disappeared.

Arriving just outside the harbour, at the spot they sat just the night before, Barbatos wistfully sighed. "Alatus..." he began, immediately gaining his partner's attention, "thank you, for all this.  I don't think I'd be this happy if I didn't spend Lantern Rite with you." He turned and pecked his lover on the cheek, a light pink tint dusting it.

He stood up, bid Alatus farewell and began his journey, the adeptus disappearing behind him.

"Through wine and song shall we always be reunited, my dear Alatus." Sweet and soft the green bard sang as he left the harbour to return to his nation, his song carried by the wind.

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