- Couples -

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A/N this is set after Amina joins, so they're 15 but the rest of their dorm doesnt know abt the society yet. (ik in the books they find out in the third book but for this story)

Daisy's POV:


'Hazel, im calling a detective society meeting in the airing cupboard.  12 o clock, tonight." 

She nodded excitedly and returned to writing up the notes for our latest case, the murder of Mrs Rivers. She really is quite useful that way. i know i do a lot (really almost all) of the detecting ,but i can never write notes long enough. I suppose this is why she is the secretary, not the president, like me. Of course I naturally do an amazing job, and that is why I am in charge and not her.

Miss Barnard was shouting at us to get to house, so we grabbed our bags, Hazel tucked her notepad into her pocket and we rushed off to toothbrushes , and later the top-secret meeting.


we were now both comfortably nestled amongst the sheets and pillow covers, Hazel with her pencil and notepad. "This detective society meeting has officially begun. Present, Daisy Wells and Hazel Wong." 

We discussed the suspects, the case and finished out plan of action. I could see Hazel was close to nodding off. I do not simply get tired, but I realised that this meeting wouldn't work with just me.

As i was about to end the meeting so we could go back to our dorm, Hazel surprised me by speaking.

"Daisy, have you noticed that Beanie and Kitty have been- closer? Ever since half term." 

"Shush, Hazel, you interrupted my thinking! But yes, I suppose I have." Of course I had noticed, almost immediately, when Beanie had been going into Kitty's bed far more often, and they even shared pudding. Not to mention the fact that they keep exchanging looks and little whispers, more so than ever. 

"D'you think Lavinia might feel left out?" I looked at Hazel as she said this. It hadn't occurred to me, but now I think about it.. me and Hazel always had each other...and Beanie and Kitty did too.

"Never mind Lavinia. We- We have each other. Don't we, Watson?" i felt myself going red. i never say these things. it's vulnerable, and i hate looking weak. 

she put her she on mine. "Always." i knew she was grinning in the darkness. "hey..Daisy..I've been meaning to tell you something."

"hmm?" i pretended not to sound too  interested.

"I've been thinking and i think i like girls. and boys. both. it's weird, i always thought i liked Alexander but now i think it's someone else. a girl." her voice was wobbling.

i threw myself at her, hugging her tightly. "you chump, Watson! why didn't you tell me sooner?" i knew my face was the colour of a beetroot. thankfully it was almost pitch black. "and..if you don't mind me asking-"

"yes. she's in this school." 

i took a deep breath, hoping she couldn't feel me shaking. here goes nothing..

"Listen, Hazel..I like-" you.

i couldn't finish. she had already leaned forward and kissed me softly.

i gasped. 

"im sorry.." she said. "i shouldn't have.."

i hugged her again, then kissed her. it lasted for what felt like forever, but couldn't have been more than a few seconds.

"well.." i said awkwardly. it really wasn't becoming of me. "we should probably go to bed now."

"yeah. we should." she squeezed my hand.

time skip —

hazel's POV:

when we woke up, i found we were still holding hands across our beds . 

as i met her eyes, i saw that we were both positively glowing. 

Daisy even looked flustered. i couldn't help myself, i giggled.

after everyone else had cleared out, it was just us two.

"so.." i said at the same time she said "well.." 

She curtsied daintily, bent down and kissed my hand. 

"Hazel Wong, will you do me the honour of being my girlfriend?" as she looked up at me, there were two pretty spots of pink at the tops of her cheeks.

"yes, Daisy Wells, i will.", i said, beaming

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