𝟎𝟐 | self-love

Start from the beginning

Ines hopped onto Jess's motorbike, reviving the engine. "Must be serious if he's asking for help," she muttered to herself, her eyes fixed on the dimensional portal ahead.

Miguel wasn't exactly the most friendliest neighborhood Spider-Man. His cold demeanor and stubbornness often scared off others, but for Ines, it only made him more intriguing. She wasn't afraid to stand up to him when he crossed the line, but she also knew when to pick her battles and let him have his way. The two of them weren't exactly close, but Ines had a knack for picking up on things others missed. Her honesty and kindness gravitated many towards her, making others naturally look up to her, even if she was a few years younger than Miguel and Jessica.

"Actually he didn't. I did" Lyla corrected her.

Oh.. that makes sense.

The sudden rush of being pulled in different directions at once was a feeling Ines would never get use to. The dimensional portal had her body feeling like she was being stretched and compressed in unfamiliar ways. The kaleidoscope of colors and sounds overwhelmed her senses, but she kept her eyes shut tight, focusing on the shift in air pressure around her. And then, with a jolt that nearly knocked her off the back of Jess's bike, they emerged on the other side.

Ines surveyed her surroundings, her heart pounding against her chest as she swung through the unfamiliar terrain. With every movement, she could feel the piercing gaze of the tawny brown vulture fixated on her from all directions.

"Another Spider-Woman, just what I needed," the wooden vulture sneered, hurling splinters in her direction. However, Ines was too quick for him, dodging and spinning through the air effortlessly.

"Actually, I prefer to go by Mist," she retorted, delivering a swift kick to his face.

Miguel's voice crackled over the comms. "Ines, use your pheromone glands to stop him!"

"I can't," Ines scanned the area for any innocent bystanders. "There are too many civilians around."

I can't afford to make that mistake again.

"You deal with them. Jess and I will handle the vulture," he ordered as she soared through the treacherous landscape, landing another sucker punch against the vulture.

"On it," Ines saluted, swooping down to scoop up a couple of civilians and ushering them to safety. Just then, an explosion shook the ground. Ines quickly grabbed a child nearby, shielding them from the shattering glass.

"Incoming, we got a helicopter flying down!" Jessicas voice crackled urgently over the commotion.

Ines sprung to action. She swung up to the scene watching an unfamiliar Spider-Woman in a striking black and white suit like hers create a web to snare the plummeting helicopter. Ines couldn't help but nod her head in approval, sensing a kinship with this one.

"I got them!" Miguel said, catching the two pilots that were flung from their seats.

Ines wasted no time, launching her own webs to ensnare the helicopter. She planted her feet against the railing, feeling every muscle in her body become strained. "Shit!" She cursed, fighting to hold the chopper from certain doom. Her forehead tensed as the weight of it all threatened to overwhelm her. "Guys, a little help!?"

"Right, sorry!"

With the combined weight of their webs, the helicopter finally came to a halt, ensnared against the sticky threads. Ines's leaned her back against the wall for support.

𝐆𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐧' 𝐔𝐩 ۞ 𝐌𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐞𝐥 𝐎'𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐚Where stories live. Discover now