Space Mission: Rescue!

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Date: July 17th.

Time: 8:00 AM 

Today's the day of my first ever space mission at the space center! I will have to use all of my knowledge I gained from training a few days ago and even from experiences at the space center from when I was a child! I'm super excited. Although there's one thing that makes me reluctant to actually go on this mission. That thing is known as Kyle. I don't know why he has to be such an insufferable little jerk towards me. I'm only scared of darkness because of a traumatic experience, I don't know why he has to be so ableist towards me about it...

Anyways, he's not worth thinking about I hope. I should just get ready and get to work... And so my routine continues once again. Today I can barely drive straight because of the amount of stuff I have on my mind right now. I end up making it to the space center safely though. As always, I park my car, make sure I have vikavolt and Togedemaru with me, and head into the space center to greet my boss once again. Ellery instructs me to go with Damien and Kyle so we can get our gear on to prepare for space travel! That part gets me all excited. I wonder what we will be sent to see in space! 

Although there's one thing I notice whilst I'm getting ready. Damien just can't seem to keep his eyes off of me. When I catch him looking in my direction he looks away all flustered. I also look in the opposite direction with a flushed face when he looks in my exact position. About an hour later, Damien guides us to get on the ship. This has been the moment young Sophocles has been waiting for his entire life! Inner child me would be squealing in absolute happiness right now because he knows that this is finally the start of him becoming the person he has always wanted to be. 

We are ready for liftoff into space. Everyone is ready. We liftoff. The G-force is so high I almost forget we are even experiencing any! This is so fun yet so nerve-wracking at the same time! I wish I could experience this more.. Although this will probably be the only time in a while. I have an excited expression on my face and I can see Kyle about to tell me off for being too "childish". But even if he did, I don't care. This is a healing experience for my inner child. I imagine that's something Kyle wouldn't have because of how bitter his heart is. 

As we enter space, I start to realize something. Childhood me was right. Adult me wouldn't get to do this while being Nyctophobic even if he tried. But then, I remember the list of accommodations that Damien was going to provide for me if it became a problem. Now, I feel like a total baby because of what I am about to ask Damien, but I know it's what's good for my mental health and probably is something that he would want me to do for myself. 

I go up to Damien and acknowledge the problem which is currently my phobia. I look at the list of accommodations and have Damien look over it. Damien points to the accommodations that he can currently provide me with. I pick one I think would be appropriate for this current situation. However Kyle, who doesn't know how to mind his own business, comes over and mocks me for needing what I need to keep me sane. 

Which is pretty childish in my opinion if you ask me. I don't know why I was thinking about being fired when this man-child of a person is over here dissing someone over something they tried to quote unquote "fix" through force and almost got them killed. But I don't know people are people I guess.

Ellery comes in through the mission control intercom. He reports to us that we are here to investigate a herd of minior! Or I don't know if you would call it a herd. What do you call a herd of minior? Who knows! All I know is that we were sent up here to discover a group of them that were acting odd. Apparently a Rayquaza was chasing them around, and minior are food for rayquaza. So we have to lure them to safety and bring them back home! We then have to bring them back to the space center so they can get investigated to make sure they aren't hurt. And then they will... be released back into the wild. I unfortunately have to do that part... ouch.

We get to the group of minior. There are about 7 of them! All of them are different color forms. We gather them all up and lure the rayquaza away from the minior's position before it's too late. I report to Ellery through the mission control intercom and say that our rescue was a success and that we are ready to be guided back to Earth.

Ellery brings back a signal and helps us get back to Earth. It felt great helping the pokemon I was never able to save in the past. It also... feels healing to my inner child? It feels great, yet so bitter at the same time. This thought causes me to space out while we are in the middle of investigating the Minior back at the space center. In the middle of inspection (which all of the minior seem okay which brings a feeling of relief over me)... Our daily shift is over! Tomorrow I will have the job of... *gulp* releasing minior. I'm not ready to say goodbye to them once again. I don't need to relive it, but a job is a job I guess and I must do as told. 

I almost tear up at this thought on my drive home. I do a little bit, but Togedemaru sits on my shoulder and nuzzles into me a bit, and as soon as I go home to prepare for bed, Togedemaru follows me to my room as well. And as soon as I'm done getting ready for bed and actually tuck myself in, Togedemaru stays in my arms, and she lights up. I don't know what I would do without her to be honest. I fall asleep, with holding her in a tight cuddle, as the night goes on and all of my sad thoughts vanish into the night.

Is the Future Really Now!?Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora