The first person to come to the door was Eri's father. He looked serious. Heeseung was a bit scared of the man infront of him. He greeted him politely.

„Its so nice to finally meet you again." He smiled and Heeseung bowed. „It's a pleasure to meet you again Sir." He said and swolloed his heart was beating really fast now. Mr. Haneda laughed. „You can look up again. This isn't a formal meeting. You are our daughters boyfriend not some business partner." he laughed and Heeseung looked up really flustered.

Mr. Hanede took the two of them to the living room where the piano was. Heeseung spotted Kyoka sitting infront of it playing a really classical but sad sounding song. She was really good.

„Kyoka, your sisters back, and she brought her boyfriend." the girls father than announced and the piano stopped. Heeseung felt like his heart stopped the same way as the piano. Eri felt a bit nervous when Kyoka turned around. She had watery eyes when she looked at her sister and the man next to her. She looked hurt. Even Heeseung could say that something wasn't right with the younger girl. Something was really wrong. 

She stood up bowed and excused herself. She then walked to her room.

"I'm sorry. She's very dramatic." Erisaid and Heeseung nodded. He didn't had the feeling she was beeing dramatic tho. Mabye she simply didn't like him. 

Once in her room Kyoka sat down on the floor. She was swollowing her tears because she didn't wanted anyone of her family, especially Eri and her Boyfriend hear her cry. 

Eri really has a boyfriend. Kyoka was glad that he wasn't Riki but Eri had a boyfriend and Kyoka didn't. Because she messed up and Riki left her. She missed Riki, her first love.

Heeseung knew something was wrong between the sisters. Eri looked slightly worried but at the same time she looked like it was normal to see her sister like this.

„Is she okay?" Heeseung asked silently and Eri nodded. „I think she needs to calm down. Its not your fault. She cries very easily when she's playing piano. I think it reminds her of Riki." Eri explained and sat down with him. The conversation ended with this statement and Heeseung didn't bring up Kyoka another time. 

They were sitting on the sofa and talked when Kyoka came out of her room. She still looked very sad and her eyes were still glossy but she walked up to Heeseung and bowed.

„It's nice to see you again." she said sounding like she just cried, then she disappeared in her room again.

Heeseungs first impression of Eri's Family back when he met them at the embassy dinner was the one of the perfect family, then he quickly realized that they were not super perfect. Now he thought they were a very normal and a bit chaotic family. Eri's parents were really happy to meet Heeseung again and they were head over heels with the boy. They were very happy for their eldest daughter to have such a lovely boyfriend.

Kyoka was friendly but distant. Heeseung wasn't sure if she was just sad or if he did something to make her angry or sad. He wasn't sure if it was his fault. He had the gut feeling that it was his fault tho.

After dinner Eri took Heeseung to their small garden. Since she loved it there. It was her favorite place in her house. They sat next to each other talking about their day when Kyoka also stepped outside.

„Mum needs us both for a second." she said with a tired voice. Heeseung looked at the young girl. She looked at him angrily. Heeseung swolloed. He was sure Kyoka hated him. She despised him.

„I'll be right back." Eri said to Heeseung who just nodded looking after her.

„Why did you bring him here!" Kyoka asked as soon as she was sure Heeseung couldn't hear her. Eri bit her lip. „So you are in a bad mood because he's here?" Eri asked and Kyoka scoffed. „No I am angry because you have a boyfriend and mine broke up with me." she said. „You know its not Hee's fault that Riki broke up." Eri said feeling slightly uncomfortable. Kyoka shook her head. „You don't understand." She now started to cry. „Its not only that Riki broke up. Its much more." Eri didn't understood what her sister was saying. Kyoka stomped away. „Please don't bring him home anymore. He is nice and He's not like Riki at all." She screamed and stormed off. „Mum still needs you in the kitchen." Kyoka said and walked away.

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