New day, new tea

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"What a gorgeous day" you think to yourself on your way back from a mission. It was nothing too spectacular, which leaves you with some extra time to spare. Time you know perfectly well what to do with, stopping at a local bakery to pic up some pastries for you and you coworkers. Cheerfully you swing open the front door of the office building, noticing your friends are already enjoying their lunch break at the café. "Hey guys, look what i brought!" You say as you hold the bags open for them to see inside. Before you can even invite them to take one, ranpo already stuffed one in his mouth- seems like he understood the assignment. "Thank you so much (y/n)!" Atsushi replies, Kunikida would thank you too, but not untill he has properly scolded Ranpo about his manners.

The time ticked by, and still no sign of the president. It's not uncommon for him to work through breaks, but you sure hoped he'd join you. If "he won't come to the pastries, the pastries will have to come to him." You think to yourself, suddenly full of determination to get the man to catch a break. Excusing yourself, you left the table and went out in search for some tea. Presenting everything neatly on a platter, you make your way up the the president's office.

Softly you knock on the door, trying not to startle him. "Come in" you slowly open the door to reveal Fukuzawa looking up at you expectantly, as most people who come here have business to talk. "I brought pastries for everyone today, i didn't want you to miss out on those." You explain as you set the platter down on the small part of the desk that's not covered in paperwork. "Thank you, that is very considerate of you." You gives you a small smile before you exit again. He looked tired but handsome as ever... "excuse me?" You tilt your head at your own thought. You shake the thoughts away and decide on bringing him tea tomorrow too, just because he could use it, not because you want to, or so you tell yourself.

New day, new cup of tea. You've been doing this for about a week now. Bringing him tea, making some light conversation. You don't even wait for a response after your knock and enter the office. "It's earl grey today, we ran out of cinnamon tea" you announce. He just hums, not much of a talker, but it seems he still enjoys listing to whichever you're going to tell him today. "it seems you have falling right into my trap!" You call out excitedly. "Is that so?" He questions, asking for you to elaborate. "Uhu! See, you might have not noticed, but you're actually taking a break from working. I call that huge progress." You speak, clearly proud of what you've managed to accomplish. "It is much appreciated." He says as he offers you a smile as you leave. Oh how you'd do anything to see that smile over and over again. You blink a couple times. "Begone thoughts!" You banish them away to the back of your mind, never to be seen again. At least if never equals a couple hours.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2023 ⏰

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