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is this y/n l/n??


okay @ynln


i kid i kid
but like real talk i needa
ask yku smth

what's up??

okay so
yk miya osamu?

who doesn't 💁‍♀️

okay well
he has like thee
PHATEST crush on you

doesn't he have a gf?? 🤨

girl tf no

istg he has a gf. she
literally told me to back off
cause she was scarred
he was gonna leave her..

y/n no. he is in love w you..🕺
who even told you that?

  sasaki himari 🤸‍♀️

omg her?? she has a bf but
she's one of osamus fangirls 😁😁

that's nice

anyways yea js wanted
to let you know bookie 😚

thanks pookie 😋

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