A new beginning

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    I sat in my apartment, since the plane landed I found a good job, good apartment and I haven't been back to New York since the plane landed. I now lived in Seattle Washington, I worked in a lab, studying and trying to find cures for so many things. My apartment was pretty lonely.. it was small with a kitchen, 1 bedroom and one bathroom, ever since being home from 828 life was pretty weird to say the least. I never had really been very connected with any of the passengers except Ben and Mikayla Stone. I knew Ben was having a hard time adjusting to not having Grace, but he had Eden back. I'd kept in touch with Mikayla since we came back.  I got a call from an unknown number and picked it up. "Um hello?" I asked as I picked up the phone. "Is this Y/N L/N?" A males voice asked. "This is she?" I was very confused as to who this was. "My name is Robert Vance, I'm calling about 828." The man said. "Umm what about it?" I asked. "Listen very carefully, all people who were on 828 are being put in a detention center, people are trying to find you." He was trying to warn me about people taking me away? I was silent until people banged on my door, a woman grabbed my phone and hung up. "Your coming with us." She said, as her people dragged me out of my apartment.
Officers threw me into a confinement cell, its door was locked before they let me out and took me to my own room that had a curtain for a door. I felt even more isolated and alone now that my whole world was turned upside down..
Sure life in Seattle was simple and kinda lonely but now it was extra lonely. I sat in my room staring at the floor. "Ma'am please come with me." I recognized the man's voice. I look up and my eyes met with his. "Are you Robert Vance?" I asked quietly, he was a tall black male, had a stern look until his eyes softened. "Yes I am.." He said softly. "Please follow me." He said quietly as he walked out of my little room. I followed close behind, we walked into a room that had a table with about 6 chair around it, almost like it was a meeting room. "It took us long enough to find you." A woman said as she entered the room. "Who are you?" I said as I sat at the table. "I'm director Zimmer, so to put it simply you'll be in the labs with Saanvi." She said and then left the room. "Who's Saanvi..?" I asked Vance, he didn't answer he just led me to a lab where I met this woman names Saanvi. Her and I clicked, we became pretty close and got to know each other more, we talked about life before the plane, callings and she mentioned Ben.. "You know.." I was cut off by the metal door swinging open. I turned to see who entered the lab and I saw Ben standing there. "B-Ben..?" I asked quietly. "Y/N..?" Ben said, his eyes were wide before he came over to hug me. "Y/N it's been a few months.. how have you been." Ben said looking at me, scanning over my appearance. "Well I was doing good until I got thrown in here.." I said as my eyes met the floor. He could see my expression changed. "Y/N I know it must be hard.. being stuck here after finally getting your life back together." He said as he placed a hand on my shoulder. "It's not been easy.." I said as I felt tears form in my eyes. "Where's Mik?" I asked. "She's out solving callings with Jared." Ben replied. "Really?" I asked softly. "Shockingly they let her, but its a step." Ben said as his eyes drifted to the door. His tone was soft when he spoke about Mikayla. "How are Olive, Cal and Eden?" I asked. Ben grew silent for a moment before he spoke.
We have officially finished part 1!! Part 2 coming soon!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2023 ⏰

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