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58 Years Ago

Buy N Large Corporation. New York, United States

Shelby Waybright: Soo... What are you? A failure salesman or a Successful Entrepreneur... Well the difference between the two is in fact. A Path to success, and of course you will become a Global company entity. Started as Yogurt Product, and bought a Large Corporation. You dominate the entire markets in United States. As well the world. So wanna make a deal?

David Pulaski deciding yet and his company of McDonald's

meanwhile in Green Hill Sonic was just doing his morning run when he found a baby human girl who is wear a purple jumper with a name tag that said Esther

Sonic: huh? Is that a baby girl... Heh that's cute name

Sonic: reminds me of Cosmo and Chris


Young Sasha Waybright: Dad. When I grow up I wanna be a captain on ship!

Then Marcy and Anne arrived with young hop pop

Young Sasha Waybright: oh hey guys!

Young Anne Boonchuy: Hey Sasha, How's everything going with Buy N Large?

Shelby Waybright: oh Don't ask her ask me, because we are doing perfect because we have 100 Percent Market shares!

Back with sonic and Baby Esther at Blacklands manor

Miss Beverly: *Listening to radio*

Sonic: *Knock on door*

Miss Beverly noticed and opens the door

Sonic: Hey Ms.

Beverly sorry for disturbing you but I found a Familiar Baby girl and her name is Esther Hopp

Miss Beverly: oh dear... Don't worry I take care of her

1 Year Later

The entire earth is having a Environment and Climate Problems. Because of Consumers throw trash or unused items

BNL Secretary: Mr President, Our planet is polluting so much, you have ideas?

Shelby Waybright: Actually I do, I'll call it Operation Code name WALL-E.

BNL Secretary; You mean "Operation cleanup" that's the nickname?

Shelby Waybright: And Wall-E is the perfect Robot for this job!

BNL Secretary: Hmmmm that will work, oh I hear that Vice President of BNL told that Marc-E (Second Version) is Far more Better and Advanced compared to The First Version

Shelby: yeah so how about we put both of them on the same job also there have been reports of paranormal happens like demons, angels, monsters, entities, Etc.

BNL Secretary: Yeah... More on this later. Also what should we do the rest of the people that are still in earth?

Shelby Waybright: Well there's a Blacklands manor orphanage and new members orphan, Esther Hopp.

BNL Secretary: Should we Evac them as well?

Shelby: But I need Esther, Isaac, and Molly to stay and help the robot out as well as capturing the paranormal

Rest of people but BNL high rank, Government Officials, Shelby and 3 kids vacate earth and having relax on Axiom

But 4 Years later something happens

US General: Mr President, I have some bad news for you.

Shelby Waybright: what is it another water leak?

US General: No. Operation cleanup has failed.

Shelby Waybright: WHAT?! HOW DID THIS HAPPEN?!?!?!

US General: It's because of Due to Rising Toxicity Levels have made life on Earth Unsustainable

Shelby Waybright: but what about Esther and her friends did they faint from the toxic air?

US General: well one of robots put them on Emergency shelter to prevent from air toxic enter because of anti toxic air filter. But sir I suggest we should cancel Operation Recolonize

Shelby Waybright: welp Time for Operation space.

US General: Sir I have better idea. It's time to initiate. Directive A113. This one is classified

Shelby: Alright. Miss Beverly, can you take 3 dolls and give them to 3 friends

Miss Beverly: Will do.

At Press Conference.

Advisor: Recording in 3... 2... 1...

The camera starts recording following a music play on commercial of BNL

Shelby Waybright: hey America today is moving day cause we're going to space and it's endless so get ready and move out *the staff starts fighting* HEY KNOCK IT OFF and Kelly just cut it off will you?

*The public recording ends a secret Recording begins*

US General (On radio): Now, tell the autopilots about Bad News

Shelby Waybright: Hey there, autopilots. Got some bad news. Um... Operation Cleanup has, well uh, failed. Wouldn't you know, rising toxicity levels have made life unsustainable on Earth. Darn it all, we're gonna have to cancel Operation Recolonize. So uh, just stay the course, um... Rather than try and fix this problem, it'll just be easier for everyone to remain in space.

Shelby Advisors: Mr President Sir sir. Time to go.

Shelby Waybright: Okay, I'm giving override, uh, Directive A113. Go to full autopilot. Take control of everything, and do not return to Earth. I repeat, do not return to Earth. *He wears a gas mask* Let's get the hell out there

The remaining humans had left the earth all of Wall E and Marc-E deactivated except 2 are missed

Tomorrow (Amphibia X Wall-E)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora