We try to be strong for those we love.

Comincia dall'inizio

                Shikamaru put his hand on my head, and smiled down at me, ruffling my hair slightly. I only slightly growled at him before releasing the Jutsu. I turned back into my normal self, and so did Watamote. I stood up beside of my team as Asuma-Sensei stood back up. The beating that he took caused him to have a lot of scratch marks, and some of them were bleeding. He smiled lazily at us, and we all returned it.

                "Good job guys! See, that is the kind of team work that you guys need to work on. Other than that, we are just going to work on the basics." He said, and we began to work on the basics. Shikamaru was getting everything the first try, which really caught Asuma's eyes. Even though I caught on almost as quickly as Shikamaru, Asuma did notice me. Every time I tried to get his attention, he was paying attention to Shika. I sighed slightly as I walked over to a tree, and focused the perfect amount of chakra to my feet, and began to climb without my hands. I got up to the very top of the tree, and watched my team practice, none of them seeming to even notice I was gone.

                I teared up slightly, was this what it was like when I gone? No one really even noticing that I was gone? A single tear ran down my face as I pulled a kunai out of my pouch, and threw it down onto the training field, not so that it would hurt anyone, but just where it would startle them when it hit the ground. That it did. Ino screamed, Asuma pulled out his Chakra Blades. I was high enough in the trees that they couldn't see me due to the leaves. Choji began to freak out, but Shikamaru just sighed, looking up at the tree.

                "Who's up there?" Asuma called out, before Ino and Choji began to look around, finally noticing that I was gone. They began to freak out even more than before. Shikamaru was still standing there, staring up at the sky. Honestly, I couldn't tell if he was staring at where I was, or the clouds. I sighed slightly as I jumped down from the top of the tree, clearing shocking three of the four who were on the ground. I watched how close I got to the ground before focusing my chakra to my feet, landing on them softly before rolling out the landing, just to make sure that I didn't hurt anything too terribly. Asuma placed his Chakra Blades back into his pouch, and shook his head at me slightly.

                "Were you trying to hurt someone down here?" He asked, and I shook my head, my brown mop of a hair moving from side to side.

                "I was using my kunai to mark how high up in the tree I had climbed, sensei." I said with a nod, before looking up at the tall man. "I do apologize. I wasn't attempting to hurt anyone, or scare anyone. I was just practicing."

                Asuma-Sensei chuckled slightly before walking over to me, ruffling my hair with his palm slightly before telling me that it was okay, and that he was proud of me. He asked me if I would show him just how I got to the top of the tree, and I nodded before walking back over to the tree, focusing my Chakra to my feet before beginning to walk back up the tree, only slightly. I stopped a little less than a quarter of the way up, and looked back at Asuma-Sensei who was smiling brightly at me, the rest of my team was cheering me on.

You are such a drag (A Shikamaru Nara Fan Fiction) (COMPLETED)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora