An Afternoon Gone Awry

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Aemond guessed that Elin and Alysanne could defend themselves, should the need arise. Elin had proved that when he had attempted to scare her that morning; his own sword was more than enough protection. Being flanked by guards was a damn insult and the prince wondered just how much the Queen distrusted her own sons. Or, perhaps, it was merely Aegon she distrusted.

A few minutes later, Aegon appeared in the outer yard, sporting a faint red handprint across his cheek. Aemond made no remark on it, merely cocking his eyebrow at his brother. They were both familiar with the physical manifestations of their mother's ire, Aegon more so.

Wordlessly, the elder prince attached his waterskin to the back of his stallion's saddle. Aemond didn't have to ask to know that it was full of wine.

Even when Elin and Alysanne entered the yard, laughing and shoving one another good-naturedly, Aegon's somber mood did not brighten. As the girls joined Dorran, Alysanne patting her mare with a warm smile, Aemond felt a pang of sadness for his older sister. He would have much rather taken Helaena along than left her alone, embroidering in her rooms for the day.

Resentment coiled in his gut like a snake, constricting around his organs, brief and fleeting, as it always was; he quickly swallowed the feeling.

When he lost his eye, his mother remained at his side while he recovered, even sleeping on the sofa in his rooms for a length of time. The Queen had many faults but, under them all, she loved her children deeply. At least she tried; Viserys never bothered, only having eyes for his precious Rhaenyra. The thought made Aemond's blood boil, heat rising in his cheeks as he considered the man bedridden in the castle above them.

As Ser Dorran helped the ladies mount their mares, Aemond couldn't keep his eye from settling on Elin, enjoying the way her riding leathers hugged the ample curve of her buttocks; effectively distracting the prince from his putrid thoughts. Fuck... His cock was growing hard just watching her; Aemond knew he would be fucking her before the week's end.

Averting his gaze, the prince let out a long breath, forcing himself to focus on something else, lest his cock dig uncomfortably against the saddle for the entire ride.

Every so often, the girls would glance back, Alysanne and Aegon and Elin at Aemond. A mere day had passed, and yet, Aemond could see the look in Lady Stark's eyes. She already harbored affection for his brother; the Queen would be pleased when Aemond informed her. The closer Alysanne grew to Aegon, the better their chances of forming a true alliance with the North.

His violet eye met a pair of deep, cerulean ones, making his pulse quicken, though he would never admit it. Her gaze lingered on him for a moment, her mouth curling up into a smirk before she faced forward once again.

Leaving the city gates, there as a palpable shift in the energy of the party, save for Aegon, who was still staring sullenly ahead. Aemond wondered what in the seven hells had occurred with their mother between breakfast and the yard that had him so dour.

Letting out a whoop, Alysanne kicked at her mare's sides, breaking into a gallop; Elin following immediately behind. The look in Aegon's eyes brightened slightly and a smile finally tugged at the corners of his mouth as his own horse broke into a run.

In minutes, they were crossing Blackwater Rush and entering the Kingswood, the rustling of leaves and melodic sound of birdsong greeting them. The shady Kingswood was cool and green; a relief from the heat that he had grown accustomed to. The party slowed to a crawling pace and Elin joined Aemond, allowing Aegon and Alysanne to ride side-by-side.

"A shame your sister could not join us," Elin offered, "I get the feeling it isn't very often that she is able to leave the keep."

"No, it isn't," he agreed.

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