I laugh and shake my head. "Let's go before we have to do laps."

We run out and make it just before coach blows the whistle. We break into teams and have a practice game. Dribbling the ball around the field helps clear my mind. Zayne was right. I did have to grow up. I had always tried to be the tough guy. I tried to cover the fact that I was more...exuberant than most guys. I tried my hardest to be normal...to fit in. I just had to realize maybe I wasn't meant to fit in...maybe I was born to stand out. The practice game is almost over. The score is 3-1 with my team on top. Zayne passes me the ball and I see Harry lean forward in the bleachers out of the corner of my eye. I dribble the ball down the field dodging the opposing team easily. It's me and the goal keeper. I make eye contact with Harry and wink at him as I send the ball flying.

"LOULOU!!" Zayne yells as he rushes me. "That was fucking amazing! You didn't even look at the goal and you made it."

I laugh and run towards the bleachers. I take a bow as Harry and Liam clap.

"Give me 10 minutes. I'll be right out." I yell and they nod.

I run into the locker room and grab my clothes, shampoo, shower gel and towel and head for the showers. I put the water as hot as it can go and stand with it cascading down my back. I keep going back to what Zayne said. Friends close enemies closer. Who did Zayne have? He didn't have a Liam or a Niall. He could go unnoticed in the background. As I rinse the shampoo from my hair and grab my shower gel I think about it. Zayne was always in the background. So quiet. So...observing. I rinse off and turn the water off grabbing my towel. I get dressed and jog back to the lockers.

"Z!" I grab my bag and lock my locker. He stops at the door.

"What were you and Eleanor talking about earlier?"

"It's...you never did anything to lead her on right?"

My eyes widen and my bag hits the floor. "No. Not that I know of at least...why?"

He pulls out his phone. He opens his messages and finds a certain group thread. "I forgot I was even included in this group chat until Niall's party." He shows me the phone and I start reading.

Eleanor: Horan's party better be good. Anyone know if Louis is going?

Nick: I thought he was your boyfriend. Shouldn't we be asking you that?

Lauren: someone better tell Eleanor her boyfriend is into guys. *image of me grinding against Liam*

Nick: El ya better not let your boyfriend drink anymore don't need him kissing anymore guys

Eleanor: Harry doesn't stand a chance. Louis loves me.

Zayne: no he doesn't

I stare at him when I'm done. She was fucking mental. I shake my head.

"She told people I was her boyfriend?"

"Still was. Says you'd been dating for a while. She had some pictures of you from sophomore year where your arm was draped around her. I think in one you were kissing her cheek."

I think back to that year. That was when we first met. She was a cheerleader and I was first named captain of the footie team. There was a summer camp of sorts. I didn't kiss her cheek though. I kissed her friend Lauren's cheek but that was jokingly and everyone knew it. The only time I draped my arm over Eleanor was in a group photo.

"That's a load of shit."

"I know. I gotta go Lou. Come round my place Friday. Invite the guys. Bonfire. It'll be fun I promise."

I nod and wave on my way to the bleachers. It's been well over 10 minutes but they're still waiting. Liam claps me on the back and Harry hugs me briefly.

"So..." I look at the younger boy. "What'd you think?"

He blushes and looks to the side. "You play amazing as always."

I smile wide...proud. "Thanks Haz." I turn around so my back is toward him. "Climb on monkey."

He laughs and shakes his head. "I'm too tall now boo."

"Haz. Get on."

Liam pushes him and he jumps so I back up catching him. He straightens up and I grab his thighs more securely. We walk to Liam's car joking the whole way. I tell them about Zayne's bonfire and they are both wary about it. They agree to go after some convincing. Liam drops Harry off first then me. Mum has dinner ready so we eat and have family talk. After dinner mum gives me my car keys back and I quickly text Harry telling him I'll pick him up in the morning.

The next morning I pick him up with enough time we are actually early to school. He wants to stay in the car and go back to sleep but I get out and pull him with me. I lock our fingers together and guide him towards the bleachers. I sit down and pull him to sit between my legs. All morning he's seemed shy. Distant. Thinking.

"Harry. What's going on in your head?"

"Why did you kiss me at the party? I mean you had years of parties and you never did before. I mean I'm not complaining I liked it. I like you. I'm just confused. You seem all in so suddenly."

I sigh. He's right. I did jump in impulsively. Shit I didn't want to scare him off. I just wanted to make up for lost time. I run my hand over his brushing his knuckles with my thumb.

"I'm sorry. I am doing this all wrong. I'm sorry Harry. I...fuck I lose control around you. I told you I regretted all those years ago letting you walk away. I guess I'm just trying to prove that I'm not that person anymore. I know it's impulsive and crazy but...I've hidden it long enough. I don't want to anymore."

"Hidden what? Me? You?"

"Me. Who I am. Who I like. I was trying to be someone I'm not and I'm tired. I'm just me. Louis. I want to stop hiding the boy you like because the one I became...you don't like him."

He sits up and turns to look at me. "I do though. I do like him. He's still you. The boy I knew is still there but I'd like to get to know Louie the footie captain who was voted on by the senior class. I just don't want to be a burden."

I cup his cheek and run my thumb over his bottom lip. "You are never a burden Harry. Why would you think that?"

"You're off to University next year and I'll still be here. I'm younger and less experienced and..."

"And everything I want." I kiss his lips and smile. I grab his back and pull him to straddle me. "I want the experiences to be with me. I want all of you. The friend. The partner. Eventually a lover."

I deepen the kiss and feel him tangle his fingers in my hair. I nibble his lip and he moans then pulls back surprised. I laugh. I run a finger down his cheek and over his swollen lips.

"Come on my inexperienced youngster. I'm pretty sure the bell rang so allow me to experience your first ever tardy."

He laughs and hits my shoulder. "Hilarious old man."

I shake my ass in front of him. "You like this old man remember." I wink at him as we jump off the bleachers and head inside the school to our classes.

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