Dr*gs and fkn Money

Start from the beginning


The sun washes over my face to wake me up. Stretching out on the floor, I lean up and see Sarah's still sound asleep. I jump to my feet and go straight to the shower. After I freshen up, I pack my things back into my bag. Sarah wakes up as I put my shoes on. "Hey." She says sleepily. I smile and say 'Hey' back. "So I have plans with John B today, actually what time is it?" She asks rubbing her forehead. I tell her it's 8:45 AM and she swings her legs off the bed. "I'm gonna shower and head out. If you need to crash here longer, please feel free. You have my number okay?" She says sweetly and hugs me before disappearing into her bathroom. I head downstairs and join Sarah's little sister for cereal. She introduces herself to me and I do the same. We talk for a while before we hear footsteps descend the stairs. He walks into the kitchen. My eyes meet his gaze but he breaks away first. "Morning!" Wheezie chirps. He smiles at her and says it back. They have a small conversation that I pay no attention to as I finish up my cereal. Wheezie soon runs upstairs and the guy breaks the short silence between us. "So you're still here. You living here now?" He asks as I wash my bowl. I roll my eyes and turn around, glaring at him. After a short exchange of words, I head upstairs and make sure I have all my things before I head out. As I reach the front door, I hear a familiar voice. I slowly open the door and there he is. He looks the same but so different all at once. I run and jump into his arms and and he's just as happy to see me, but also extremely surprised. We talk for a minute then I run back inside the house and leave some money on the kitchen counter under the empty carton of apple juice. On my way back to Bear, I stop next to the guy and tell him, "Apple juice is all yours again." and smile. He gently squints his eyes at me in confusion. I jump onto the motorbike and take Bear's directions as I take us to his place.

We arrive at his trailer shortly and he gives me a little tour before sitting down and speaking with me. He grabs himself a beer first and offers me one but I decline. I hate beer. "So, Milah. What are you doing here?" He asks, taking a sip. I drop my eyes to the ground before replying, "You lost your accent completely. You miss home much?"  He smiles. "Always were good at avoiding the truth. Even as a kid." He chuckles. "Learned it from someone." I say playfully. His face turns serious, I exhale. "Bear, I don't know what you know about me anymore but, I have issues. Or had. Supposedly I'm somewhat cured now. It's too much to explain all at once but, mum and I thought it was time for a fresh start. Away from it all. So, we thought here, Outer Banks. Where I only have one person I know- barely at that." I finish with a light chuckle. Barry leans forward and places his drink on the ground, one hand on my knee sympathetically. "We blood. Close or not, crazy or not, you my family. I got your back. Stay with me as long as you like, I got connections and can help you get yourself a nice place when you're ready." He nods and I smile at him. "Also, it's Barry. I go by Barry here." He laughs. "Barry? Not Theo, or Bear. Barry." I chuckle, he shrugs and finishes off his beer. "Why haven't you got yourself a nicer place?" I ask. He chucks his can in the trash and replies, "Saving for something big." I chuckle and nod. He offers me his spare room so I go and settle my things- my one bag. I fall onto the bed and decide to have a little nap. A cold breeze wakes me so I roll over and pull the covers onto myself, then check my phone. 1 new message. 


S: Hey it's Sarah! Wanna come to a party with us? :)

Hey! Who's us? :M

S: I'll introduce you don't worry. I heard you're staying with Barry, we'll pick you up?

I heart the message and throw my bag of clothes open on my bed. What to wear what to wear. I definitely should've unpacked earlier. I finally pick an outfit, set it on my bed and take a long hot shower. I wash my hair and let it air dry. I spray my perfume on and put on my lip oil. Aimlessly scrolling through tiktok, my screen time notification goes off so I check the time- 10 PM. I set my phone aside and finally get dressed into my planned outfit.

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