punching bag

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It's not like it's my fault
No. But everyone says it is
So I picked up the old memories
And put them in my brain
Gotta go to the doctor
Get my meds
So I'm popping the pills
I might have misbehaved
I'm so sorry

Round and round the carousel
Go's round and round
Round and round
I'm puking my guts out again
Just because I purposely
Don't eat for the day.
I'm your punching bag
Don't worry cause I must drown
I'm your punching bag.
Don't worry cause I must drown

Looking around I see people I dont know
They're looking at me weridly
Are they okay?
What a monster I am
For being afraid of myself
Cause I'm just some freak
And they're the cool kids

Round and round the carousel go's
Round and round round and round
I'm puking my guts out
Again just because I purposely don't eat for the day
I'm your punching bag
Don't worry cause I must drown
Im your punching bag
Don't worry cause I must drown.

Hey this song is about the bully's at my school and how I don't reach they're standards.
That's it bye ✌

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