Day One: Tribute Parade

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When she got off the elevator she saw an large open space in the ceiling. She'd never noticed that before. Capitol citizens lined the circular opening. Their cheered, they screamed her name. Kallan's smile was a reflex. She looked up at the people, waving with her darling smile they all loved so much. It made them crazy they all screamed quite loudly for her, and she tried not to flinch because of it. She walked herself over to their chariot, out of view of these people, and she stopped to look for Finnick, who was... chatting up a girl.

Oh that wasn't just any girl, that was Katniss Everdeen. District 12 victor from exactly one year ago. That poor girl. To just have escaped and then be thrown in again. Kallan knew a bit of what that was like. She turned back to her chariot, to the horses. They were quite beautiful.

She couldn't have had her back turned for more than 30 seconds when she felt eyes on her. It didn't help that her entire ass was practically hanging out. That's what the back of the outfit had looked like, just netting and whatever else was part of the rope thong that covered nothing. She'd grown very accustomed to what it felt like when eyes were on her, it happened a lot. She had one hand on the horse when she dropped it abruptly.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer," she said, with her typical arrogance the capitol expected of her.

"Sorry," that wasn't what she was expecting. Kallan turned around, and she froze. Oh no, come on Kallan. Be cool. It was the boy from 12. Seeing Katniss was one thing, but Peeta Mellark, her fiance, whom Kallan had found herself admiring maybe a little too much during his Games... "I didn't mean to--"

"Peeta," Kallan why would you say that? "Right?" good save.

He looked shocked that she knew his name, which was the goal, so she let herself relax slightly.

"Yeah, that's right," he said, with perhaps the most endearing smile she'd ever seen. Her face was unwavering. It was stuck in a proud I'm-better-than-you look. Then he stopped talking, and she very slightly narrowed her eyes at him.

"Did you need me to introduce myself...or?"

Peeta laughed. Wow, she didn't expect that. She tried not to let the shock show on her face.

"No, I guess not," he said. "Just wanted to introduce myself, your Games were impressive," he said, and she blinked at him. "Sorry you had to do it." Her smirk dropped, just a little. She didn't think anyone had ever said that to her. And he seemed to know that. That was also the first point in the conversation where she realized his gaze had never left her eyes. She composed herself as quickly as possible.

"Thanks," she said simply. She averted her eyes from his, even though he was adamant about his eye contact. She looked at his outfit. It was all black, the way it was last year. But this year his arms were exposed. She had to make a considerable effort not to look at them. When they said he was strong, they meant it. "That the only reason you're over here?" She broke her gaze on his arms, looking back at his face, at his dark but deep brown eyes.

Peeta, somehow, never seemed put off by her arrogance. It was almost as if he found it entertaining.

"Like I said, introducing myself," he shrugged, and Kallan tilted her head at him. She genuinely found it hard to believe. This boy was likely over here because she had her tits out. But he hadn't looked once. She'd been watching for it. "You're the only other one here around our age, so-" There it was.

"So, what, you think you have a chance with me?" she asked, scoffing at him. She watched the boy fight the redness on his cheeks.

"No, not like that, I-"

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