CHAPTER THIRTEEN, drews lucky ass teacher

Start from the beginning

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"Tonight in Omaha we crown a national champion! Katie Myers for Minnesota back to serve."

I stared straight ahead of me as Katie walked behind the service line. My heartbeat wasn't racing anymore. Or it was, but not because I was nervous. All of this sitting around doing nothing waiting for the game to start was getting on my nerves, I just wanted to play now.

The serve went over (no surprise there). Texas's libero received the serve leading to the setter setting the ball to their right side hitter. Holy shit. She took a huge swing and practically threw it to the ground.
Our middle thank the lord pancaked the hit and I got it up high enough for Jenna to hit it over. Everyone was frantic and it was stressing me out.

Texas received the hit and once again their setter set up their hitter. Except this time it was their left side hitter. Definitely not any better for our side of the net but I was able to get a good receive and Maggs was able to set it for our right side leading to a kill.

"And the first point is awarded to Minisota."

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Let's play catch up shall we? First set...won by us! Second on the other hand, all Texas. Third, us again! But forth...unfortunately it was Texas forcing the fifth set. Shit.

Of course I definitely expected the championship game to be a close one but right now it was 14 and 14, both teams had set point and it was our turn to serve. Coach called the time out and once we all got our breathing under control he began explaining the plan.

I felt bad for whoever was going to have to serve the point. Imagine the pressure. Game on the line...all pressure on the server. I wonder who—"Delilah you'll serve, let go win a national championship!" Coach put his hand in the middle, everyone following. I started at him shocked.

What the actual fuck.

As the announcer announced my name to serve I was suddenly painfully aware of how loud the crowd was and of how heavy my heart was beating in my chest. I avoided looking into the crowd, scared I would make eye contact with anyone because I knew they were all watching me.

The ball boy passed me the volleyball and I shut my eyes for a few seconds. My shoulders were heavy and I was nervous I would fall over because of the weight. Good lord I can't serve from the floor. That would just be confirming the win for Texas.


Don't worry that wasn't a bomb going off blowing up the whole stadium (although I wish it had) That was just my heart.

I spun the ball around in my palm before throwing it up in the air to send it over.


Their libero got a touch on the serve but OH MY GOD it hit off her wrist and flew behind her. HOLY SHIT. The outside tried to chase after the ball but it hit the ground before anyone could get it it.

I sunk to the ground in shock. Maggie was the first one to jump on me as I hit the floor. The rest of the team followed after.


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"My girlfriends a national champion!" Was the first thing I heard as me and Maggie exited the locker room, walking back out on the court where our families were crowded together in a group. I wonder who that was?

Kidding kidding, I'm funny. I was practically tackled as soon as I made eye contact with Paige. This hug was better than the hug from coach not going to lie. Maybe it was because of who it was from. Who am I kidding, of course it was because the hug was from Paige. I love hugging Paige.

She wrapped her arms around my waist, lifting me off of the ground high enough for my to wrap my legs around her waist. She settled her hands to cup my thighs and carried my over to the group, we were both laughing. I said thank you to everyone's congratulations. Maggie was hugging her parents so I just watched the interaction with a small smile. God I loved the Edwards family.

"Incoming" Paige whispered in my ear, setting me down so that I was prepared for Drew to jump at me. I smiled wildly as I picked him up, falling on my back so that we were both on the floor laughing as he laid in my arms. God I love this kid.

I could practically feel Paige's eyes on the both of us as her laughter met my ears. She helped me stand up, wrapping her arm around my waist as we left the arena. I said hello to a few fans. Took a bunch of pictures. Kind of embarrassing though, like a hundred people having a picture of you all sweaty and tired? Gross.

Paige let go of my waist once we were in the public view. Neither of us were fully out so I wasn't offended at all. If anything I was thankful. Not that I had to keep her a secret or anything. That sucks. But I didn't really need social media having a field day making up rumors of the two of us. No matter how true they were.

On the ride back to the hotel after we said our goodbyes Paige had her hand on my thigh the whole time. I held my hand on top of hers. She even let me pick the music! Which I thought was surprising since this morning when I was driving I didn't.

If it had been reversed I definitely wouldn't let her pick the music. Maybe that said something about us as people. Whatever! She let me play my Noah Kahan that's all that matters.

"Not tired?" She asked, pulling into a parking spot. I shook my head, opening my door but first leaning over to kiss her cheek. Paige slyly moved her head quickly so instead of my lips meeting her cheek they met her own lips.

She reached her hand up to cup my face, keeping me in the spot I was. I used my leg to shut the door. Paige grinned into the kiss. "You played great today." She whispered once we pulled away, faces still only inches apart. I leaned in to kiss her again before unbuckling my seatbelt.

Paige sighed and almost opened her door. If I hadn't been so into the moment I would have laughed at myself as I practically rolled across the center console, landing on my girlfriends lap, straddling her thighs. "Thank you." I said quickly before connecting out lips again.

Paige smirked into the kiss. One of her hands on my cheek and the other on my lower back. I sat up after a few seconds to get more comfortable, unintentionally grinding on her lap. Paige groaned into the kiss as our lips touched again. "Shit Lila"

Holy shit that was hot.



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a/n sorry for the cut off lmao
also sorry for being so slow to update!
okay but like serious question what the but happened to all of the Paige Bueckers and Caitlin Clark books?? There's like three or four that still get updates (which are literally some of my favorite books ever)
Also I was thinking... I've written like six chapters already but like what about a Caitlin Clark book??

anyway!! don't be a silent reader please🙌🏻
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