Chapter 1

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I can still feel the warmth of Phoenix on my skin as I stand shivering in the cold, damp air of Forks. Surrounded by my bags and Bella, we wait at the airport, our breath visible as we exhale. The grey sky hangs heavy with clouds, making everything feel wet and dreary.

To be honest, I'm not too thrilled about leaving the familiar comforts of Arizona behind to start anew in this small town in the Pacific Northwest. Still, I have to admit the picturesque beauty of the dense forest surrounding us is captivating.

"Dad should be here any minute," Bella mutters with a slight shiver as she glances at her watch. She's always had that knack for being practical and efficient.

I can't help but think about our mom and how different life will be without her near us. Bella and I are here to stay with our dad, Charlie, while Mom embarks on an adventure with Phil, her new husband, traveling for his minor league baseball career.

Gripping the suitcase handle a little tighter, my thoughts suddenly shift to Dad. I wonder what it'll be like living with him again after all these years apart. Over the years our visits grew few and far between. We haven't so much as spent a few weeks over the summer here going on five years. A lot changes from eleven to sixteen.

As Bella fidgets nervously beside me, no doubt contemplating similar thoughts, I suddenly hear a familiar voice calling out through the foggy air. "Bells! Enya!"

We turn towards the sound and see Charlie's unmistakable smile emerge from a battered police cruiser.

He exited the vehicle and made his way over to help us with our bags, his expression a mixture of excitement and nervousness.

"Hey girls," he said with a warm smile. "It's great to see you again."

"Hi Dad," Bella and I replied mumbling over each-other, trying our best to mask our own apprehension.

With our bags secured in the trunk of the car, we climbed in, Bella took the front and I took the back passenger seat. The atmosphere inside the cruiser was thick with tension; it was clear that none of us knew exactly what to say or how to begin rebuilding the relationships that had begun to fade over time.

Charlie attempted to make small talk, asking about school, friends, and our life in Phoenix. Conversations came not surprisingly more naturally for me than for Bella who was often finding herself lost in her thoughts.

Minutes turned into miles as we drove through Forks' picturesque landscape. We were on this adventure together now - Bella Swan and Enya Swan - sisters embarking on an unexpected journey. It felt better to think of this as just some new adventure.

We turned onto the familiar street, And I couldn't help but feel excited about what lay ahead.

As we pulled up to the small two-story home nestled between tall evergreens, Charlie assured us that we'll get used to the weather and that Forks wasn't all that bad. With an appreciative nod from both of us, we stepped out of the car and walked into our new home.

The house was cozy, with warm tones making it feel welcoming despite its small size. Bella and I each had our own rooms from when we were children. Bella's was the one with a large window overlooking the forest behind our house.

Stepping hesitantly into my room, I could see that dad had done his best to make it suitable for my teenage self. The kiddie decorations and toys were gone, leaving a plain and simple space that felt ripe for a personal touch.

As I walked around the room, I thought of all the ways I could decorate it to make it reflect who I was now, as opposed to the little girl who had last stayed here. Smiling, I imagined placing posters of my favorite bands and movies on the walls, perhaps adding some fairy lights to give it a cozy glow. A vibrant duvet could decorate my bed, and a rug would add warmth and texture to the floor.

Bella peeked her head into the doorway, her eyes scanning the room before landing on me with a warm smile.

"Thanks, dad," I called out as he passed by in the hallway. "The room looks great!"

Charlie grinned and nodded at me before continuing down the hall. He had always been a bit awkward with affection.

As Bella stepped into my room, she leaned against the wall and said, "You have a blank canvas here, En. What are your plans?"

I pursed my lips, considering the possibilities. "I want to paint a mural on that wall," I replied. "And over there," I pointed at another empty corner of my room. "I think I'll create a big collage of photos and memories."

"We should go shopping this weekend," Bella suggested. "Pick up some paint and other decorations for the rooms."

"Definitely." I grinned.

Our attention was then caught by the sound of car doors and our father's voice outside, mingling with another familiar one.

Peeking out the window, we saw Billy Black and his son Jacob standing in the driveway. Bella and I hadn't seen them in years, but we remembered spending time with Jacob when we were younger, as our dad often hung out with Billy. Eager to reconnect with some familiar faces, Bella and I made our way outside.

I walked next to Bella, glancing at her unsure expression as we descended the porch steps.

"Hey, Billy, Jacob, it's been ages!" I greeted them confidently and warmly, flashing a broad smile. Bella followed suit with her own awkward greeting, which was typical of her more reserved nature.

Charlie leaned against the red beat-up truck parked in the driveway, a teasing smile on his lips. "Well, Bells, what do you think?" he asked my sister.

Bella's eyes lit up, looking at our father in disbelief. "You bought it for me?" she asked excitedly.

"Yep, a welcome home gift," He confirmed with a grin.

Jacob wasted no time engaging Bella in conversation, climbing into the truck with her to give her pointers on how to operate it. Meanwhile, I stayed outside with Dad and Billy.

The cool, damp air felt like a refreshing embrace as I looked around the familiar surroundings. Memories began flooding my thoughts – I remembered playing in this very yard with Bella and even Jacob, making mud pies and pretending to be explorers in a magical forest.

Charlie turned to me with a proud smile. "You know, En," he said, "I wanted to get you something special as a welcome home gift too."

My eyes widened with excitement and curiosity. What could it possibly be?

Charlie motioned toBilly, who handed him a medium-sized box wrapped in rustic paper. My heart raced as I took the box from my dad's hands and carefully removed the wrapping.

To my surprise and delight, I revealed an absolutely stunning camera. It was a newer digital model. I loved photography and capturing precious moments – it was one of my favorite hobbies.

"Thank you so much, Dad!" I exclaimed as my voice wavered with emotion. "This is incredible!"

Charlie smiled warmly at me and gave me a gentle pat on the back. "I knew you'd love it, kiddo."

As we stood there in the driveway I knew there was no better place to start snapping some photos and creating new memories to cherish forever.

"Alright everyone, stand by the truck!" I instructed them. Charlie stood proudly by the driver's side door with Billy in his wheelchair beside him. Inside the truck sat Bella and Jacob, Jacob leant forward slightly to be seen from the passenger side.

The first photo came out great; Bella and Jacob sitting together in the truck, grinning from ear to ear, and Charlie and Billy looking like seasoned truck salesmen. I couldn't help but smile at our improvised family picture.

Next, I wanted one with all of us together. Balancing my new camera carefully while turning it around to face us all, I tried my best to fit everyone into the frame.

"Okay! One, two... three!"

It took a few tries, but eventually we were all there – smiling faces immortalized in one sentimental snapshot. After checking that both photos looked great on the tiny display screen, I exclaimed excitedly, "These turned out amazing! I'm going to print them off and hang them in my room!"

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