Encounter with Death

Start from the beginning

He looked down at you and shot glare toward Misturi and Shinobu.

"It's quite alright. There is no need to apologize." He smiled at you.

That smile... it had pure evil behind it.

"I don't think I've ever seen you before. Are you new?" Muzan asked as he kept up his fake smile.

You knew he only had evil intentions, but in order for you not to get a game over, you decided to just go along with it.

"Yes, I just moved here." You replied in a short answer.

"And I'm also guessing you go to Kimestu no Yaiba Academy." He gave you a closed eyed smile.

"Haha... how'd you know?" You said trying not to be intimated.

"Just a hunch." He laughs.

You laugh along, signaling Shinobu and Misturi to get out while they can.

They didn't move an inch. They wanted to make sure Muzan didn't try anything.

"The name is Muzan Kibutsuji. What's yours?" He asked.

"It's..." You paused, looking at Misturi and Shinobu,'Sorry, but I don't want any of us to die.' You cried internally. "It's L/n F/n. Nice to meet you, Kibutsuji!" You said trying not to gag.

"Please, call me Muzan." He gave you a soft smile.

"Alright then, Muzan, we have to be on our way. Goodbye!" You said, trying to keep your happy mood.

He waved goodbye. When you turned the corner, you die, or more like you were attacked by Shinobu and Misturi.

"What is wrong with you!" Shinobu shouted.

"You could have gotten hurt!" Misturi chimed in.

"He wouldn't have done anything to me because you two were with me." You looked at the both of them.

"And if we weren't?" Shinobu added.

"Yea, but this happened while walking towards the Kamado's bakery, so I would have been fine." You said, shrugging while walking away.

They both sighed, and you all continued on your way to the bakery.

£》Time skip


"Hello! Welcome to the Sun Cafè! How may I help- Y/n! Misturi and Shinobu! Hi! How are you this morning?" Nezuko said with a wide smile.

"Wow, I never knew y'all owned a bakery! Why didn't you guys tell me?" You questioned.

"We got excited because we made a friend, so we forgot." Nezuko laughed

"Oh!" You laughed. "Where's Tanjiro?" You asked, looking around then at Nezuko.

"Tanjiro is still in bed. He fell asleep really late last night helping our mom. So I offered to do the morning shift so Tanjiro could sleep in!" Nezuko said brightly.

'She is so precious.' You clenched your heart crying internally.

After everyone chatted for a bit, you decided to buy a couple of things to eat and share later on during the day.

You waved goodbye to Nezuko while exiting the door.

£》Time Skip

You all were now standing at the school gates, and you noticed Sabito and Giyuu walking in the entrance. You pulled out your phone to check the time, 8:16 a.m.

"I gotta go! Cya after school!" You ran waving goodbye to Misturi and Shinobu trying to catch up to Giyuu and Sabito.

"Hey! Wait for me!" You yelled at the two males.

They both turned around waving at you.

"You think they're going to become the next Uzui?" Shinobu whispered to Misturi.

"It would be so cute!" Misturi exclaimed.

"You know, something crazy happened today." You said to Giyuu and Sabito as you all took off your shoes and put the ones on from in your locker.

"What?" Sabito said, closing his locker.

"I ran into Kibutsuji." You said closing your locker and walking away.

The two males looked at you dumbfounded.


"Shut the fuck up man, you're drawing attention!" You yelled back at Sabito.

"NO! YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Sabito said back.

Giyuu face palmed already done with your shit and the day for real just started.






It's a shame they turned...

Truly, it is...


Yoooo, y'all just met Muzan... so get prepared for a whole lot of chaos!

Let's goooooo!

Hope this story made sense as well.

I pray it does...

It's not a Want but a Need {Yandere KNY x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now