31: The Star of the Evening: Athanasia (II)

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"Of course, your highness!"

A sense of pure delight washed over Athanasia, her eyes shimmering with happiness at the prospect of her first true friendship, forged with a beautiful and kind-hearted young girl.

"Great! Shall we find a table to enjoy our meal together?" Athanasia suggested, her excitement contagious as she led Florentia away, their hands interwoven in a gesture of camaraderie.

"Sure!" replied Florentia, her voice filled with genuine enthusiasm, while Felix followed closely behind, their bond of friendship already beginning to blossom.

Truly, a bond destined to grow and flourish, their hearts entwined in the harmonious melodies of friendship.

With a delicate air of innocence, the young princess directed her gaze towards Florentia, her sapphire eyes sparkling like precious gems

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With a delicate air of innocence, the young princess directed her gaze towards Florentia, her sapphire eyes sparkling like precious gems.

Their dessert spread before them, they engaged in light-hearted conversation, savoring both their sweets and the budding friendship that had begun to blossom.

Curiosity danced within Athanasia's voice as she inquired, "Is this your first time visiting our empire?"

Her words dripped with genuine interest, drawing Florentia's attention as she savored each bite of her dessert.

Florentia nodded affirmatively, her response a gentle hum as she relished the flavors swirling in her mouth.

"Really? And what do you think of the palace?" Athanasia's enthusiasm bubbled forth, her voice tinged with eagerness.

A smile tugged at the corners of Florentia's lips, her words slightly muffled by the lingering taste of the delectable treat.

"I find it absolutely beautiful and breathtaking!" she replied joyfully, her words infused with a sense of wonder.

Athanasia's eyes lit up with delight upon hearing Florentia's response.

Her joyful demeanor radiated warmth as she leaned closer to her newfound friend. The two princesses continued their meal, a comfortable silence enveloping them like a soft embrace, interrupted only by Florentia's gentle inquiry.

"May I ask about the customary greeting used in your empire?" Florentia's voice was laced with curiosity, her genuine desire to learn shining through.

A sheepish smile adorned Athanasia's face as she giggled softly.

"Yes, we do have specific greeting words..."

Florentia's eyes widened, a hint of panic flickering across her features as she clasped her hands together in a gesture of apology.

Her words stumbled out in a rush, "I deeply apologize! I was unaware of the proper greeting words used here in Obelia!"

"Oh, please don't fret! There's no need to apologize," Athanasia reassured her friend, her voice carrying a gentle warmth as hands fluttered in the air, her gestures dismissive yet reassuring as she quickly sought to alleviate Florentia's distress.

Engrossed in his own affairs, the Eastern emperor maintained a composed demeanor as he occupied his chair at the elegant table

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Engrossed in his own affairs, the Eastern emperor maintained a composed demeanor as he occupied his chair at the elegant table.

Beside him, seated in a regal manner, was a man whose sandy blonde locks cascaded around his face.

Hyacinth (Karisen), as he was called, bore a countenance that bore the weight of both sorrow and frustration, an amalgamation of emotions etched upon his features.

Sovieshu's keen eyes recognized Hyacinth, his memory conjuring images from the newspapers he had perused.

A flicker of recognition danced within his gaze, prompting him to extend a calm greeting to the man at his side.

"Greetings," his voice resonated with a serene composure, his expression unwavering.

Hyacinth, his brow furrowed with contemplation, regarded Sovieshu for a fleeting moment.

His response came in the form of a solitary nod, his attention swiftly returning to the front, consumed by a cascade of thoughts that clouded his mind.

Engaging in lighthearted conversation held no appeal for him in that moment, as his heart and mind were preoccupied with a torrent of emotions.

The woman he had once loved was present within the same grand hall, after all.

Latrasil (Valentine Tarium), seated at a distant table, fixated her serious gaze upon Hyacinth's figure, her head subtly turning towards him while her eyes remained focused forward.

'Why is he here?'

A crease formed upon her brow as she contemplated his unexpected presence, her lips gently frowning in slight disapproval.

The invitation extended to that man had caught her off guard, as she had not anticipated his inclusion among the guests.

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