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The Next Day
Third Person Pov

When Y/n woke up she realized that she's leaving tomorrow so she started packing everything thing that she could that she won't need so that she won't have to worry about it tomorrow.

After Y/n finished packing she took a shower and got ready for the day.

Later on she decided to go on a walk, but first she stopped by the palace dining hall to grab a quick snackAs she was getting a snack from the dining hall she saw her mom

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Later on she decided to go on a walk, but first she stopped by the palace dining hall to grab a quick snack
As she was getting a snack from the dining hall she saw her mom

Y/n Pov

Y/n - regular
Y/n mom - underlined

Shit. I didn't feel like being bothered with my moms bull shit right now I just wanted to enjoy my last day in Wakanda.

"Y/n can I talk to you for a moment" My mom asked. We haven't actually talked since the argument but we sat together at the funeral

"Sure" I said dryly

"I'm sorry for how I was acting the other day it was just a lot going on with the funeral" She said

"Ok" I said turning to walk away

"You know what"  She said making me turn around

"What" I said

"Just go and kill yourself like your father and be a punk"

"What I'm confused"

"Your not a baby anymore so I thought you should know that your father was a punk and killed himself after you "moved" with his punk ass"

"What do you mean "moved"

"Oh my god your so dumb. Y/n I took you from your father although I'm starting to regret that decision. After I took you he killed himself"

"I just have one question. What happened to my real mom"

"I am your real mom sweetheart"

"Don't lie"

"I'm not lying I don't know what has gotten into you"

"What's gotten into me BITCH YOUR BIPOLAR"

"I killed her"


"Y/n I'm sorry but I killed her" She said starting to cry

This bitch is really bipolar. like what

"Nah something is really wrong with you"

"I just wanted everything she had so I killed her. I'm sorry Y/n" She said trying to hug me

"Don't touch me" I said walking out

I ended up walking to the beach and I journaled a little bit and then Riri called me

Riri - underlined
Y/n - regular

"Hey Y/n"


"Have things gotten better over there"

"No they've gotten worse I'm just ready to go home"

"I get it. Do you want to talk about it"

"Nah I'd rather not or at least not right now"

"Alright well tomorrow we have a little pick me up for you after everything thing that has happened recently"

"That gives me something to look forward to"

"That was the goal"

"Wait who's we"

"You'll find tomorrow"

"You know I'm impatient but- oh hold on Shuri's coming over here I'll see you tomorrow"

"Alright see you tomorrow"

Call Ended

"Hey" Shuri said sitting next to me on the sand

"Hey" I said as I kept looking at the water

"Since when did you like the beach"

"Since today"

"What happened"

"What do you think something happened"

"Because every time you come to the beach something happened"

"Well if you must know I found out that "my mom" killed my real mom and I realized how bipolar she is"

"Y/n I'm sorry-"

"Oh and get this she took me from my mom because she wanted her life and my dad killed himself. And it's not that hard to believe after everything she did to me"

"What do you mean after everything she did"

"She had an alcohol addiction and she would hurt me mentally and she choked me twice. But nobody knew not even my sister. She would always say that I drove her to drink. And when I was younger she never put her hands on me and it never bothered me until I got older and she talked like she regretted having me. After any minor inconvenience she would drink. When I turned 13 that's when she choked me that's when I started talking back. Every time I would get upset because she would get drunk and say all this stuff or do all this stuff and would forget about it in the morning while I had to sit and remember that. One time we were at my cousins house and she was talking saying that she "was a cool drunk" when in reality she was the complete opposite or at least to me and my sister but mainly me. I never really said anything but I think deep down she know how she made me feel but ignored it. But I couldn't tell anyone because then I probably wouldn't be with her anymore and I love my mom and she loves me too when sober but when she's not she's so hostile towards me and nobody ever says anything or they just ignore it and that's what hurts the most. I just don't wanna be a mother like that" I didn't even realize that I had started crying until Shuri started wiping my tears

(based on my life irl 🤪)

"Y/n I'm so sorry that happened to you"

Just a lil sum sum but gimme some ideas I got writers block

Unforgettable (Shuri/Yn)  (ON HOLD)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن