She grabs a carton of eggs, shredded cheddar cheese, spinach, butter, and strawberries from the fridge. She beats the eggs before pouring it into a pan on the stove. It sizzles against the melted butter. After a minute, she uses a spatula to lift the edges while sprinkling a handful of cheese and spinach in. She folds it once it is fully cooked. She serves it on a plate with some sliced strawberries.

        Ruth is still sleeping.

        Medusa covers the food with another plate to keep warm. She throws some clothes on and grabs an umbrella before quietly slipping out into the hallway. Traffic lights glow behind sheets of rain that pitter against her black umbrella.

        The bell of the coffee shop door dings when she enters. There's no one here except for Riley who is sitting on the counter scrolling on his phone. It's only five past seven. He looks up and hops down.

        "Medusa, good morning. Black tea?" He grabs a cup.

        "And a tall pumpkin spice latte please."

        Riley hesitates and looks at her surprised.


        "Nothing. I've just, you've never said please to me before." He shrugs and starts making the latte.

        "Oh." She takes her wallet out.

        "It's on the house today."

        "Are you sure?"

        He smiles. "Yeah, don't worry about it."

        She slips a twenty into the tip jar when he isn't looking. He gives her a cardboard carrier to carry the drinks in. A meadow nymph walks in as she's walking out, she holds the door open. The nymph looks apprehensive, no doubt wondering if this is a trick.

       "Well are you coming in?"

        She eyes Medusa and her snakes for a few moments before hurrying past her. She gazes back at her with furrowed eyebrows when she gets to the counter. As if the idea of her doing anything that requires an ounce of kindness is difficult to comprehend.

        Medusa walks back out into the rain and down the few blocks back to her apartment. Ruth is sitting up on the couch talking on the phone. The blanket is draped around her shoulders.

        "Yeah, I'm doing better. Yesterday was just...." She groans. "Exhausting. I'm trying not to dwell on it. It happened and there's nothing I can do to change it."

        Medusa sets her keys down and goes into the kitchen. She makes herself an omelet while Ruth chats with her friend.

        "Okay, I gotta go. I have to be at work by nine and Medusa just got back–I spent the night at her place. Not like that!" She laughs nervously. "I fell asleep while watching TV with her. Shut up, I can hear you smirking."

        Medusa chuckles softly to herself. She flips the omelet and slides it onto the plate that was covering Ruth's. She pockets her phone and gets up from the couch. The blanket falls.

        "Good morning." Her voice is thick with sleep.

        "Morning. I made breakfast and got you a pumpkin spice latte."

        "You did?"

        "I know how you like my omelets. And you were still asleep and I didn't want to wake you so I thought, why not get our drinks. So, yeah. Your plate is on the counter a few feet ahead of you."

        Ruth unfolds her cane and sits on the black leather stool.

        "Thanks, Medusa." She smiles and cuts the omelet with her fork. "Are you working today?"

        "I don't think so." She picks at hers.

        "Are you okay?"

        "Yeah. Just had a bad dream so I didn't sleep well."

        "What did you dream about?"

        Medusa clenches her fork. Taking a forty minute shower was more than ample amount of time to dissect what the dream meant. She chews on a strawberry slice.

        "I don't feel up to talking about it. Sorry."

        "You don't have to apologize. But are you alright?"

        "I'll be fine. I just need to take it easy today." She rests her head against her fist.

        They eat and make light conversation. Ruth GoFundMe is now at $25,000 and her mom got a raise at work which means saving will be easier. They've already begun looking into retail spaces to lease and renovate. Ruth then asks Medusa how her business is going as she is rinsing the dishes.

        "It's a little slow, but that's usual before December. I'm taking advantage to make a surplus of everything for the holidays." She sets the plate in the dishwasher.

        "What time is it?" Ruth asks.

        "A quarter to eight."

        "Crap. I need to get ready for work. Thanks for breakfast and the latte."

        She scoops up Lamb-Lamb from the couch and makes her way towards the door with her cane.

        "Wait." Medusa blurts out.


        "Are you doing anything on Halloween?" She picks at her nails.

        "My friends and I are going to a costume party. Why?"

        "Oh, uhm, no reason. Just curious."

        "See you." She closes the door behind her.

        Medusa finishes cleaning up. There is still about two hours until she needs to be at Arachne's office. A heaviness settles into her stomach. Two snakes wrap around her throat. She gets back into bed and listens to the rain and cars honking. She manages to get an extra hour of sleep.


Can hardly believe the short story hit 10k reads!! Thank you so much for your patience and support, I hope you enjoyed reading. Follow me on my other social media accounts (checkout my LinkTree) for updates on the novel.

Sunflowers - Medusa x Blind Woman Short Storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें